Pirate101 is a kid focused pirate themed MMO.
This week, the F2P Cast hosts take a peek at the Aion patch, speculate on what Visceral Games might be up to, and then finally argue over the importance of Guilds in current MMOs. All this and some Weekly bombs on this all new episode!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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Pirate101 is a kid focused pirate themed MMO.
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
No, I would not cheat for the million dollars and you know why? Because its a competition, that's why you're there and you invalidate that by cheating. I am ashamed of you guys.
Question of the week: I subbed for SWTOR but even though it was all about the story in that game, i dont think i would wanna spend time just levelling up some more characters. I dont believe they will be making any raid content either, thats worthwhile to wanna shell out cash for.
Da-bomb for Caitlyn.. She needs abit of love, not only for the bacon & porkchop ordeal but also for making the youth of today see the dark side of gaming: That games will die eventually and all the little Timmy´s of the world better realise it sooner than later ;)
A-bomb for EA in general.. Stay out of the F2P market untill you can make something worthwhile and just stick to what you do best: Put on new logo´s on last years models and call it a day.
May the loot and bacon be with you all!
Tyreal out
- you have the PUGS (pick up guilds/group) who recruit whoever will join to zerg the guild to cap level or gain benefits to zerg yourself to cap
-then you have the guilds who are small or medium who form together with set ideas and goals and who slowly form in gaming communities.
and as far as the LoL Championship i agree it is mostly Riots fault they have HUGE ass mini maps in plain sight but non the less they got fined but <3 Azubu Frost and regaurdless...AZF would beat TSM
Then you have Super Monday Night Combat which removes in game purchase of equipment but now aiming has to be done in three dimensions, using ranged weapons in which a lot of them require actual leading of a target instead of instant hitscan. On top of that there's various maps with same objective setup but with different environments/paths to take.
My point is basically this, yes there's a lot of MOBA's out there, but compared to the number of games in other genres its actually really small. And within those games we've seen tweaks and innovations within the genre at a rather rapid rate. LoL is only 3 years old now, meaning this genre as a developing genre outside a single mod is also that old. To write this genre off as done now is just absolutely absurd! LoL might be the top dog now and DotA2 will certainly be a major contender, with it most likely going back and forth between them for some time, but this fight is just getting started. You don't have to like the genre, but the seemingly rude dismissal of any upcoming game or anything attributed to the genre is certainly uncalled for, especially by a group of show hosts who are supposedly to inform and bring about discussion in the free-to-play market.
I reckon MMO gamers (the general majority) showcase how humans hate moving away from the norm, and if there is a shift away from the norm...players will be VERY particular about wanting the new game to be near PERFECT. If there is a single flaw in a game, despite the rest being really good, they will hate and hate, which saddens me.
I was gonna ask a question, but now I forgot it :(
Finally, I know that this question is from last week's episode but my perfect weapon would be knife-throwing, diaper-wearing midget "turrets" that can sense each other. Think of it: Each team plops one done next to each other, stands back, and watch them go at it. Hilarity ensues.
...Uh yeah, I go now...
Question of the week:
Played Knights of the Old Republic for a while, quite enjoyed it... Then Guild Wars 2, Aion, and Firefall entered my life... Yep... I don't think I have enough hours in my life now to go back :/
About guilds..
Most F2P game's do not need them besides a social hang out. I am talking the strictly launched as F2P not the once subbed now converted. But in an email i had sent you I mentioned R2 Online.
This is from thier site :
R2 Online is also known as Reign of Revolution. It is a free-to-play MMORPG published by Webzen with high-quality graphics. The game incorporates a World Guild Battle System, Crew Combat, and many more. It is strongly geared towards competitive, PvP play and has a variety of modes to accommodate this playstyle. Guild vs. Guild battles for control over castles and territories are the most interesting, but there are smaller scale hourly battlegrounds. The game has also some interesting features like guild skill trees, no level requirements for gear, and a transformation system where players can temporarily turn into powerful beings.
If more game's sart throwing these event's for guild's, Guild's will be needed once again.
About EA losing some game's, Don't think for a second that they will not be getting some money back from thier F2P game's, New item mall item's or new restriction fee's added.
Question of the Week !
I subbed this the first day it came out, I won't be going back, The gameplay just seemed slow and felt like it was missing something!
Alright, question of the week: I subbed to SWTOR from launch until about March or April. I'm never going back. Shortly after I canceled my sub, I uninstalled the game, and I haven't looked back since. And there is no way that gimped piece of crap they're calling a free to play model is going to pull me back in. No ops? Three flashpoints and three warzones a week? No purple gear? Um... hell no. I'll go play something else, thanks.
Now for my bomb. I'm gonna give a Da-bomb to a little browser based title known as Offensive Combat. I caught Spunkify's first look and knew immediately that I had to play it. A game that gives you experience for teabagging your enemies? Aw yeah! And it turned out to be really fun, and somewhat surprisingly high quality. But then that Unity engine is pretty awesome, isn't it?
As to the information about Riot: How could you be warned of an issue of this magnitude, and do nothing to change it. As for AZUBU Frost, screw it, they thought they needed an edge and gave it a shot. To no avail obviously. This is on Riot, not the teams. I guarantee many other teams did this as well, maybe just a little better :). Give AZUBU back their money, and dock the money of the planner of the event. He or she should take the hit.
DaBomb this week for X-Com (I know its not free to play) , but it really is worth a look. Very engaging, and the type of game that makes you lose sense of time. Check out some gameplay videos and see for yourself.
Keep gaming and making content!
I can't awnser the question of this week cause I did not pay or even played Starwars the Old Repoblic. I personelly think that sub games are,.... lets say not very wel overthought, because in my opinion you can get a better game that can look and play like a sup game and even is free.
Then lastly a Da-bomb for loadout for dragging me into a game when I don't really like shooters or spilling blood over my monitor :). The weaponcrafthing is great where I'm spending more time in then the game itself.
See ya
on another note, i have a ABomb for RaiderZ stress test, although its a stress test, the servers were unplayable and with the get to lv10 and get something from us were quite impossible, some of us did try to play at midnight or early morning but the crowds were still quite heavy and there were ALOT of weird censorship, i still could swear in english but some words which doesn't translate into swearing were censored and the area chats were full of people trying it out.
Thanks for reading,