In Episode 5 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee takes a look at Lulu, the little support champion!...
On this episode of the Free to Play Cast, our host chat it up about Vanguard and SOE as a whole, dive head first into the shady world of mini games, and then come out the other side to dish out the Da-Bombs! Your feedback and more as we get ready to attempt a LIVE recording of the show! Jump in and see if you have what it takes to answer our weekly question out loud this week!
If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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In Episode 5 of League of Legends Champions, Shadee takes a look at Lulu, the little support champion!...
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
One of the most important thing to know when u level-up multi-class is that u can turn in a quest 10 levels higher than your class. That means u can complete 50 level daily quest with main class, then go and switch class, then come with 40lvl sub-class and turn it in. That would help leveling up alot.
Then in the Xaviera zone at the Gloombrigh Castle, which is the zone for leveling-up your third class there is currently the best daily quest which gives 266k xp and it can be taken by 50lvl charachter.
As far as we talk that there is not enough normal quests to get all three classes to 70lvl. I guess game maker is counting on that, so u will probably have to buy Daily Quest tikets from Cash Shop, or have much slower pace at leveling sub-classes
Players who have their main class high level now have few options they can use to get quick into the game with other players. Mini-games in rom give Phirius Shells which can be exchanged for very nice gear 67 and 70lvl. Only drawback of this gear is that it does not have attack bonus in base stats (unlike instance gear), but it got massive hp, defence and critical bonus, so it is very usefull.
Also +55lvl instances give Ancient Mementos to all players in boss loot. They can be also exchanged for different gear from 55 to 70lvl. Most 58-65lvl instances on easy mode are the "memento farming" places, since u need 630 mementos to take one 70lvl item from NPC.
The sistem actualy is friendly to players who have difficulty playing higher modes than easy.
With this in mind there is no actual problem to gear-up to be able to do all instances on easy and normal settings.
Hard mode instances demand that u have sets of armor so u have get more stats from set bonuses, also it is a must to use all kind of foods for hp, atack and other buffs. There u also have to use food which grants 5 seconds imunity to magical or physical damage because hard mode bosses 1-hit whole party/raid with some casts. In most cases if one or two players in raid die because they failed to use imunity, it wipes party.
Anyways, love the show, lets see how Aion does!
Good luck with the Live Episode Tomorow!Too bad i think i cant see it :'(
Keep up the good work
Shout out from England
Glad you guy's got a laugh at my game Idea, that's what it was ment for. :D
As for the question of the week
Well you know i am an older generation gamer and honestly i work in the construction field.
Everyone on every job site i end up working at knows me as " The Gamer ",
People 20 years younger than me always ask me for advice on what new to try.
With that said my 1 hour chat ,walkthrough of " Hello Kitty Online " I am ashamed of no game that i play or test.
Reason : I am a true Gamer !
You asked about mini games
Beanfun, For only having 2 game's, I really think they had to add alittle something in Lucent Heart to keep
thier maxed player community, Well, Sorta interested in staying, Gives them something to do while talking to thier friends.
Most games that have a maxed lvl community need these little things added,
For we all know that end game community basicly becomes a msn,yahoo aka messanger.
I don't mind these added to help your players stay and have something to do rather than " Troll " world chat because they have nothing to do !
Beanfun added this at the right time , For as you know they added an expansion to BrightShadow so why not add some small programns to help the communit from being bored till till the next expansion.
Keep up the good work and will join you on your show one day soon !
Your friend Inflictious
On the leveling problem its like this... there are atm 3packs of maps one to each class u might have and u can lvl up all 3 to lvl50 easily... last maps u can even reach lvl50 in 1day... problem is after that lvl u can only lvl1 class to max with normal quests other two is grindfeast, and its really hard to lvl up them. But i like game, i like class system, and combat its not bad most disappointing is the PvP in this game is crap is 1hit pvp almost all time and gear is everything...
Although like i said i like the game if u don't mind skipping pvp...
and for the question of the week well i guess when i was younger i didnt want the general public (AKA my school) to know i was a gamer i believe Rappelz was my biggest problem i played that for way to long... :P still well worth it :D
I played Runes of Magic several years ago, it just felt very slow paced. And oh my goodness the grind, literally killed me. I don't know how it is now, but I do like it that they are still rolling out content of the game.
About the show, to me I think one episode a week this long is good enough, if there were more shows constantly the quality of the show would die down wouldn't it? That's just my thought about it.
Good luck, love the show its awesome.