On this episode of Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks M.A.R.S (Mercenary Ops), a new free to play AAA third person shooter that uses the Unreal engine.
This week's show is an all interview spectacular where we spend some time with a few different developers and get the scoop on some upcoming games. We voice our concerns directly to them and get the low down on why they think gamers will enjoy their title. Havek gets a bit upset over Marvel Heroes, Damina brings in some thoughts to try and calm him down, and Magicman sits back and enjoys the show. Cap it all off with some Weekly bombs and Viewer feedback and you have one jam packed session. Enjoy!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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On this episode of Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks M.A.R.S (Mercenary Ops), a new free to play AAA third person shooter that uses the Unreal engine.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
For the question of the week I'd actually have to say Planetside 2 surpasses the hype. While I was aware of the previous Planetside game, it didn't make much of an impact on me when it was released. However after seeing several videos for it(thanks in huge part to TotalBiscuit using it for his Mailbox videos) I'm now super excited for it and am even starting to look more forward to it than MechWarrior Online(which I am currently in the closed beta for).
Keep up the great show and congrats on the 50k subscribers(still too lazy to actually use Youtube's subscription service, if it's something I like, I do the good ol' fashion way of bookmarking it).
Great episode as always, looking forward to next week.
F bomb to ariea games... they deserve it.. Closed down repulse because they didn't get much money, that's what they get for adding an AK-47 , which is not sci-fi, Making it overpowerd, like most shooters do with AK-47's, and adding an AP value for it.
weekly question:
i signed up to both betas of firefall (been waiting months) and planetside 2 honestly im interested in both but i gotta say whoever gives me the beta key first is gonna get my Da bomb and my vote for gamescon winner.
first lets get this out of the damina gets a DA BOMB from me as shes been great over the weeks.
I know its not free to play ( well it is to me atm) but i got a DA Bomb for final fantasy xi ultimate collection abyssea edition im a long time fan of the final fantasy series (yes got the ff xiv collecters edition with the cup cloth map and journal) took a while to get through the play online viewer but finally started playing it cant stop looking at my red mage mithra'ss ass >///>.
also anogther Da Bomb for planet calypso for being the game second life could never have been fun.
I thought it was going to be rather long but ... Forgot his name (like i care or cared to remember)
But the Diablo/Marvel.. Just seemed a little to high on himself. 20 minutes well, Not well wasted just wasted.
Don't get me wrong i do really enjoy these interviews but no one has been that in love with themself's.
( Thats the vibe i got )
Loved the Mac burn on Havek :D