As the year draws to a close it's important to look back and reflect on all of the good things that happened this year.
On our last episode before the 1 year live show we give an update to the End of Nation saga, talk about Crytek's change of F2P heart, and get excited by the Path of Exile open beta date! All this and more as we get set to wrap up our first year with YOU!
Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)
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As the year draws to a close it's important to look back and reflect on all of the good things that happened this year.
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
The gaming industry is a bit of a mess right now.
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
They have been very active with patching the bugs they may have introduced during their patches.
Also read earlier today that The secret world has went buy to play...don't think that'll make me play it though even though i've heard good things about it but it's just not my taste in story or setting.
I have a HUGE HUGE HUGE Da Bomb to Darkblood for what they did during the MMOBOMB live stream giving away promotion codes and a other Da bomb to the viewers of the Live streams.Dont worry magicman i got your back in every game we play together hue hue hue
I have a A bomb for a certain some1 who is making my beta key give away a headache -_-...And a other A Bomb too the LoL Jungle -_- its so hard q q then again im a support...stop making me jungle -_- i just wanna play Leona and Nami
End of Nations:i really hoped this game would be f2p but like magicman i believe it will become b2p like guild wars 2 and i think it is over that someone else took over the game for some reasons that i would say but i am lazy to type that much
Path Of The Exile:after playing raiderz ob and live i 100% prefer a game that is DELAYED(example age of wulin)and has not a lot of bugs than a game published soon with 100 bugs(example raiderz :P)
A big DA-bomb to u guys AGAIN for one more time for entertaining me again for 1h and a big A-bomb because my pc sucks and i can't try planetside 2 also an A-bomb cause there is no tutorial whatsover for what the controls of the game are and u just jump into battler and its kill or be killed( i tryed the game on a friend who has a better pc than me)
u guys are awesome as always and i will close by saying to damina GET OFF MY PORCH
recently its getting harder to play my mmo's what with me doing A level I.T
but every week seeing this show, warms my weary self i have been watching this show since day 1.
I love how you try to give everyone a voice (where as other pompous shows feel they are above it).
so a Massive Da bomb to all of you who have been working hard to entertain us.
A bomb to EA for being money grubbing a**holes who have a tighter grip on their wallets than a miser in winter.
Im glad i'll be able to catch the live show live doubt ill be able to get a question in so im gonna ask all you guys here what are your thoughts on windows 8 and how it'll effect gamers mmo or otherwise.
First off, for End of Nations: I think the take over is a great thing for the final product. regardless of the pricing model. Granted, the sudden possible change in model is troubling at best. Petraglyph has a knack of rushing things, or not fully developing their product before its release. Don't get me wrong, Petraglyph's rework of Rise of the Immortals has gone well, and its now very enjoyable, but Trion will have more resources and a better focus on launch day. Their core audience will benefit the most from the change of direction.
On Path of the Exile: Polished but delayed is ALWAYS better than rushed and buggy! That's a law of the universe.
A Bomb for Kick Starter in general. I need money, but i don't let scumbags and grifters use me to get a piece of the action. FOR SHAME!
Question of the week: After such an amazing year, what does 2013 hold in store? (Spoiler Alert)