F2P Cast: Being Taken Over by the Ladies! (Ep.10)

In this new episode, the Free to Play Cast chats up Aion, gets all "rumor mongering" about Blizzard, answers a TON of your questions, and gets some input from the faier sex. The show may never be the same again! Dive in and find out if your question made the show! There were so many question asked that we didn't ask a viewer question this week so we could answer even MORE next week. Keep your questions for the Cast coming!

If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover.

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Cast via Youtube Youtube.

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Discussion (25)

Inflictious 13 years ago
Thought i might share with you that " FIRE FALL " is now sending out beta invites through emails.. Just got mine excepted, Downloading now and jumping in.... YEE HAW.
Cya Brick-Force

Maybe see you in game Magicman :)

Thunder45645 13 years ago
man fail heart at the end there

Thunder45645 13 years ago
if the episodes were this long all the time i would <3 you guys and i already <3 you very much

( \/ )
\ /

TheGamer 13 years ago
Lol why you guys call Females?This way maked me thing that the ladies are from another planet.Great show.NEED MOAR LADIES!

DragoonisMystic 13 years ago
Amazing cast this time ,was more than pleased that u brought a lady view into the contents of the cast too on MMO games . Keep up the grand work u'll. ;-) !!!!

Magicman 13 years ago
Hi Everyone!
Some of the Free to Play Cast hosts will be live streaming Aion tonight at roughly 7:30 PM Eastern United States Time. Come on over and join us at http://www.twitch.tv/magickmann# if you want to just hang out or roll a toon and maybe show up in a First Look Video!


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SteamChaos 13 years ago
Well considering I have been on Sins of a Dark Age forum and been hanging around it pretty good. Can't wait till we get the starts beta this summer...and when we get more information. Outside of the little things they give us over on their forums and such the game sounds like its going to be pretty good. At least they won't have cartoon looking or plain organic graphics which really was a draw for me.

Otherwise, lan parties...Ahh the good old days..Not that people still do it...

nick 13 years ago
I wanted to thank "Sara"(i quoted because im very bad with names and spelling) was talking about repulse invasion game-mode sounded a lot like the zombie-mod created in Counter Strike 1.6, good old times. You just made me nostalga, thank you a lot lady

Kutayba 13 years ago
MMOBOMB u shall represent our thoughts!

Dualmoon 13 years ago
So, as a girl, thank you so much for bringing on a female to represent us!

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Inflictious 13 years ago
Hey Magicman !

Thank you for awnsering my questions. Enjoyed knowing how you all came up with your gamertags and will check out twitters alittle more in the future.

During this episode since no question i will add a comment or 2 on the video.

1) APB video - The guy breaking into the car was at the back door but it " Magicmanly " - (lmao) ;) unlocked the front door.

2)When Sejiro2 was playing at 38:22 " F--- your mother "was on the screen for 1:20 seconds..lol No Censorship on the no holds barred episode !
As a wise man once said to me i will return the compliment. " Well Played "

As for my GamerTag Inflictious

Infliction comes in many forms,Mmorpg's i am always a spell caster,Dot's,Burn,ice,plagues,heals,buff's to name a few.
Hence i am Inflitctious.

Mentioned me a few times in episodes, I might really have to get a hold of you for a future host spot,Let your fans get to know the man behind the questions and comment's.

Keep up the Great work

Your Friend Inflictious - From Cyber Space ( I wanted to be the first to ever say i was from there) ;)

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Dizzyjay 13 years ago
Another awesome show guys!!!! Keep it up, I just noticed there is a mmobomb facebook page. I would go on twitter, but all my friends are on facebook sorry about that.

Currently doing Aion's 14 day free subscription, one thing I always liked was Aion's sliders, I freaking just love it. Hope to see you guys on there some day. I might play allods, but I just can go on with out sliders!!!! Curse my obsessions.

But once again nice show loving it!!! And looking forward to the next episode.

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Rinor 13 years ago
Yea im sorry but im in europe and the Aion free 2 play but the limitations are sooooooooooooo large its not even funny i can play for 3 hrs and finish all the limitations it kinda makes it hard 2 enjoy!!! :D what are u guys kidding i still do lan parties with friends! :P and i like WOH but i feel it doesnt have that much skill for pvp its just spam buttons =[ wish it was a bit nicer :S FUUUU i hate twitter :P ahahahahhahahahahhahahahha 2 funnny :D got 2 luv ur pronunciation :D really cool 2 hear where u been from Sejiro :D BE A GENTLEMEN magic man! ncncncnnc never ask a lady of her age! :P and omg no question of the week :D great episode and nice little change up :)

Subspace 13 years ago
Great show like always love it!

Ebouth 13 years ago
Hey again guys.
First of , this is an old one I know, love the show. And then I would always like to anser the weekly question, but did I miss it in the show or didn't you give one XD. Doesn't realy matter of corse, the show is done great.

Nice of you to also have girls in the show, always nice to know that there are also girl gamers, not that I didn't know that but still......

Would love to see you on the servers aswell ,but I don't have an twitter or an I-tunes account, thinking of making one for you guys, but I don't know yet.

last time you mention me in the show ( a few weeks ago) you didn't know how to prenouns my mmo name. I think it is best prenounsed as a-bouth.
(sry my enlish writing is a bit rusty sometimes)

Sage 13 years ago
oops double post but just to say I was FIRST when I was typing my response up! :)

Sage 13 years ago
Yey for the f2p cast. Yet another great show and a Da Bomb for a Female on the show. I would like to see either Sejiro or MagickMann to do a first look video of Kingdom Heroes by aeria games. Kingdom Heroes is going to be my Da Bomb for this week because I havent noticed many historical games around I beleive Kingdom Heroes is one that is epic in the 3 kingdoms era. Looking forward to the next episode :)
Cya on the worlwide web

Mrphantom237 13 years ago
YAY ladies!!!!

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