F2P Cast: 9.99 For Access to the Show (Ep 41)

This week, the F2P Cast panel delves into even MORE games charging for guaranteed beta access, an absurd "advanced play" amount of time, and other bits and pieces. We mix in our Weekly Bombs and make a "cash grab" for yours! Sit back, grab and drink, and chill listening to this all new episode!

Free-To-Play Cast is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about free to play multiplayer online games. Free-To-Play Cast takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, interviews, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week! (every Wed or Thu)

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Discussion (46)

sniperman248 12 years ago
Uhmm if some mass majority of 15 year olds don't know how to bot then no elementary kid knows how to bot. Plus botters on runescape deserve to be banned. If you have played recently the economy is crap. Plus Major bot makers like Epicbot and Powerbot have already said, if users keep abusing our bot system or we find that they are abusing the programs in which they created that the bot makers stated they will stop producing their botting software.

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break15 12 years ago
no i follow magicman only :D

rule907 12 years ago
Da-bomb for Hi-Rez Studios for announcing that they might release a Global Agenda 2(Finally a word about GA from the devs ^_^) just hope its not $20 to get into the beta and fabulous show as always, and magic man is magical XD

Neokiva 12 years ago
I have found the fabled mounted the mount that mounts.

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MasterZixina 12 years ago
First of all, great show as always! I'm always happy to see a new episode every week when i get back home from school! All the information and opinions about games is gold. I have just recently made an account, but I have been watching you guys ever since Spirit Tales came out, huge fan! Any how, I'd like to give a Da Bomb to all of the hosts to the f2p cast for just being so awesome and never being afraid to express your opinions! You are all very awesome and I always look forward to watching your videos even if their isn't a new episode. keep up the videos and never stop gaming!
I'd also like to give an A-Bomb to Age of Wushu for waiting till May 3rd to launch the game. It shouldn't take that long, especially when the game is already developed! I also have to give them an A-Bomb for charging $10 for the beta. Why don't they just come flat out and say, "By the way, were taking your money to play a game that might not live up to it's standards, but hey, you get to come in 90 days before everyone else and rub it in their faces." Sorry for my rant there. :D
Any way, super happy that I can spend the 1st year anniversary with you guys as a member! Great mile stone for mmobomb and hope for some more epic years to come!

1ManWolfPack 12 years ago
Another week in the books, another show to be proud of guys! I sincerely thank you for reading my comment on the show. Kind of gave me a shock when I heard my name lol. I love this show, site, and community here, and to let me be some little part of it made me very happy.

To Magicman: Cheers! Always a beer in hand during the show.......always :)

I have to give a two part bomb this week, both going to World of Warplanes.

DaBomb for being really fun to play (with a joystick)

ABomb for sucking hardcore with a mouse and keyboard, honestly i wouldn't touch this if i didnt have a joystick. Hopefully they will make adjustments to the controls....fingers crossed.

As for the RAWRRRRR, I always RAWRRRRR!


Sleeper 12 years ago
What's next, pay to test new beta of Photoshop? This whole thing is retarded, simple as that.
It's like going to a mechanic and he pays to you to fix your car. How awesome is that. It only shows how people can be brutally stupid....ok, mostly nowadays "First!" kids.

MikeySixGun 12 years ago
I have a DABOMB for tribes ascend, just began playing it and the innovation for the movement there is no other game like it. It is truly a skilled FPS game that takes time to master and I love it!!!!

Akshansh 12 years ago
This Ban botters in runescape for those who care , it is good step but ya there are number of professional botters . But if they will always be there it does not mean not to try to eliminate them. 100% success is impossible but I feel that whatever effect this ban botters thing will do will be positive . Even though it is not discouraging many bots but it will not also encourage. It will have atleast some effect . For those strange people who do not play for the sake of fun and just bot I feel they have gone mad . What are they going to get by botting . Finishing a large game in 1 month and then get bored. The time taken to earn xp and money keeps the interest of the players for a long time . But if you finish it in some days by botting you get bored . so this Ban botting thing will never have a negative effect . It will have a positive effect only (neglegible or not)

qroxta 12 years ago
Yo dawgs, I heard you want bombs, HAVE DEM BOMBS:

A-Bomb for Gpotato's Flyff trying to get people back into the game with item giveaways. I created a new character and did not see a single Player Character for the entire 15 minutes derping around.

Da Bomb for Roit Games and the greatest e-sport event (World Championships League of Legends Season 2) I am lucky enough to witness: HD-Stream on own3d AND twitch in several languages and VODs of all matches. E-sports to the next level? More like: Last thing seperating it from regular sport is massive media presence.

A-Bomb for Wild Shadow Studios for letting Item Dupers destroy the economy of Realm of the Mad God over many weeks.

and a final DA BOMB (!) for YOU Mr. Magicman, Sir, for pronouncing my name correctly.

May your connections be stable


Inflictious 12 years ago
Thanks for Another Episode.

Magicman, Host's or community,

Question i have already asked Brim and got his awnser.

Is Runescape F2P or P2P ?
Plz explain why you choose your responce.
For week's now ever since this Subs are dead has been brought up,
Why ! Has not one person mentioned this game from 2001 ever been brought up and with the price jump from 5-8$ a month for content after lvl 60 and quests pre lvl 60 ever been mentioned?

Don't say Runescape sucks, We all have our opinion's and truthfully this game is not for me,But
It has probably as many subscribers paying as WoW doe's!

Jagex, I will give them a Da-Bomb for this New feature that i have not seen in any game Ever before.
No, This will not fix the bot problem and for them i Hope it never doe's and thus it probably will encourage more bot's. Why, This feature now give's players that are maxed lvl and still hang out as a social networking site, Kinda like what you called WoW.
But now you have some entertainment while chatting to your friends. Love It !


Rufinus 12 years ago
da... da.... da... da..da ...da...da bomb to radierz cant wait for open beta lol.

Reaper5167 12 years ago
That PlanetSide2 playing in the background is just teasing me =_=

zackwildsrocks 12 years ago
fixed version of my question to magicman.

btw wtf magicman. this podcast you said that you did not like that age of Wushu was charging 10 bucks for beta access.and EVERBODY is so happy that PLANETSIDE TWO is in closed beta and a f2p. but you can pay like 40 buck for access the beta also, same as wushu. so magic plz tell me whats the diff between planet side 2 and wushu. are people pissed at wushu but not planet. and if so why.

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zackwildsrocks 12 years ago
btw wtf magicman. this podcast you said that you did not like that age of Wushu was charging 10 bucks for beta access.and EVERBODY is so happy that PLANETSIDE TWO is in closed beta and a f2p. but you have can pay like 40 buck for access the beta also. so magic plz tell me whats the diff between planet side 2 and wushu. are people pissed at wushu but not planet. and if so why.

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zackwildsrocks 12 years ago
my DABOMB goes to my fav game fallen earth. btw if you gonna do live gameplay try fallen earth

sweetgamer10 12 years ago
Da Bomb to Loadout and a A Bomb to APB also known as All Points Bulletin for their constant disconnection problems and etc

Mystika 12 years ago
Paying for 90 days early access?!! That's a huge deterrent to play the game, especially considering it's f2p...not even sure I'll go near Age of Wushu now...so damn greedy.

Dunno if I should give an A-Bomb to the individual publishers, their games, Nvidia or my own computer, but it's to do with sudden FPS drops in games like GW2 and Dota 2. It's really frustrating when it happens, especially in the heat of battle, as it could mean the difference between life or death. Checking out both the GW2 and Dota 2 forums, and I see I'm not the only one with the problem. In fact, the issue is affecting a lot of people with higher specs than me (even those with GTX 670s and higher), or at least higher than minimum/recommended specs. So basically for now, I've had to put both those games on hold.

Like I said last week, betas have lost their meaning. Sure, people still test bugs and such, but with most betas, it's basically just a trial or early access. Hell, The International for Dota 2...that used a beta client.

Speaking of betas acting as trials reminded me of GW2's beta. They pretty much perfected (well as much as they could) the starting zones, but when the game was officially released with the rest of the content, there were a heap of bugs in later areas because they couldn't be tested in the betas. Here the issue is this: Should beta tests give access to the whole game so all bugs can be quashed or should they only give access to a small amount of content so the rest can be kept for release?

Last thing, with the 52nd f2p cast being live, will there be a recorded version available still for those that can't make it to the live podcast?

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mPascoal 12 years ago
idk since gw2 lauch I haven't paid much attention to f2p news but one that really got my attention was the annoncement of Black Desert Online
the game looks good
so my da-bomb goes for Black Desert Online
idk if I'm doing this correctly

NaughtyTangelo 12 years ago
Da bomb for the F2P cast, love the show, shout out from america . USA!!
And for the question of the week i say you do a TF2 match with zombie dragons flying around, Skeletons pop out of the wall with AK-47's, Orc's shooting grenade launchers at you, and then a huge pit of firey death that will steal your soul (and yes the pit is ginger). AND THEN MAKE IT TO THE ULITMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULITMATE DESTINY!!!

xcr00k3dx 12 years ago
"Well.. uh.. I don't like you." lol

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Neokiva 12 years ago
hiya guys of the free 2 play caste

Da BOMB for wizardry onlines permadeath now all they need is a skill progression system like skyrim a level system alongside it only have swords (i know irony fun all round) and then it'll be perfect.
A BOMB for not having an mmo with flying (angel, fearie, demon w/e self powered flight) that does not limit flying in anyway not being released yet.
DA bomb for the whole f2p caste cast
A Bomb For real virtual reality not being invented yet
A Bomb for Aria games not releasing lime odyssey not launching even though alpha was a year or longer ago.

A BOMB F BOMB COMBI ATTACK!!!! for every cookie cutter mmo with the balls to change (secret world tried and failed, but i say learn from the fail)
DA BOMB for damina's revolution

hope these are enough to keep you on your toes magicman I don't want to hear you say there's no bombs again (i gave mine last time proberly wasnt fast enough)

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setsua 12 years ago
On the botting this so far, in this day in age in MMO gaming it will not matter at all. Back then it would of been a big deal and people would feel sham. But no it will not matter and who cares for runescape lol.

PS. You never did E-mail me back lol.

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HellcatM 12 years ago
I will not join a beta that expects me to pay to join. A couple months ago I got an invite to FPSMania and when went to the website to enter the beta they wanted $9.99. I then and there left the website. I also hate when games have a cash shop in the beta. I would understand they need to test the cash shop to see if it works, but they could give out free money to do this. To expect for people to pay for a beta is just wrong.

On that note I have a DABomb for Firefall! The game does need a little bit of a tutorial, when I first started playing I was running around looking for !'s for quests, but later found out you find quests as you walk, run and fly around which once I figured that out its a breath of fresh air. The game is fun and beautiful. As they add more quests and things to do, this game could be the ultimate sci-fi MMO. I know people are looking forward to Planetside 2 (as am I) but I don't know how its going to beat Firefall, we can only hope it equals it because we need more good sci-fi MMO's.

Curst 12 years ago
I have a Da-Bomb for End of Nations. Its 28 vs 28 battles, PvE missions and constant struggle for world domination between two factions are just brilliant. Let's hope that new Command & Conquer is going to be at least as good. Not only graphically I mean, because Frostbite 2 is obviously more powerful than Petroglyphs engine which they used to create EoN.

Oh and I have to disagree with Damina on the subject of games getting worse and worse because publishers/developers sell beta access. Sure, beta-testing have somewhat lost its original meaning (although there are companies that still do beta-testing the right way). But it has nothing to do with ability to buy access to beta. In fact I don't even see it as paying to get in the beta. You're paying to support development and for that you're getting some kind of special reward that includes early access to the game.

The only difference between this and some special edition of p2p or b2p game is that here you're getting early access to an unfinished game. But that's just the way free to play games work. They are never truly finished. They continue to grow and change from the first days of alpha to the last days of their existence. Besides... Beta access is not the only thing you're getting for buying founder's package. Usually they give you exclusive in-game items and/or currency that are worth much more than you paid.

And it's not like players who bought their way into beta can thwart beta-testing in some way. Those who want to get in alpha/beta to actually do the testing always find their way into given alpha/beta. I can say it from my personal experience. The problem is that most companies don't give a damn about player feedback nowadays. At best they are going to fix a few submitted bugs, at worst they are going to ignore everything you say and use beta for advertisement purposes only. But as I already said, it has nothing to do with people who bought "founder's package" (or however it's called in a given game).

Virck 12 years ago
40$ for V.I.P. status, that is how they look at this "release"

sethsamson 12 years ago
retort to a Damina talking about getting crappy end product ... War Inc was going to be so superbly created game First PC 3rd person shooter . Then they do these packs of early access to the beta and now War Inc. is soo crappy . because the devs have earned what they wanted, and half of the things that they said will be in game . now we know that their will not .

sethsamson 12 years ago
the end is near .

Sighphi 12 years ago
These arguments against paying to get access for beta were tremendously horrible. "People paying to get in dont report bugs." Huh? Pretty sure they would be one doing this the most since they dropped some cash on that. "90 day early access means the game is ready." Huh? Can i see this list of how many days before launch a game is completely ready to launch?

And by the way.... it's not pay for beta is paying for a package of things that includes beta. If people are just using it just to get into beta and dont care about everything else that's their view of things but is really not the actual case.

Unless this stuff is required to get into the game there shouldn't be any problem. This is MMOBOMB for god's sake, you guys give out keys for everything as well as other sites.... why does anyone care about some people wanting to pay for stuff?

This is exactly the same silly arguments that were going around when special/limited edition first started to become a norm.

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Lance Williams 12 years ago
i completely agree its fckn stupid how they charge to get into betas now a day and the miss is right they dont get the reports they need

Empire2x2 12 years ago
good episode, i think most of games want some cash early. they think they must get cash (milk the cow) quick, but then the "cow" dies.. so no profit at all!

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