Elvenar - First Look Gameplay

Elvenar is a browser based, strategy/city building, resource based game currently in Closed Beta. Innogames has stuck to the formula they use in other browser games (and mobile games) and that means the good comes with the bad. In the current version, expect to be pushed towards buying gems quickly.

To find out more about Elvenar check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (7)

Lyfe 10 years ago
This game is butt cheeks. Its just like so many games I've played... rather I think this type of game is boring. I still claim butt cheeks.

Ba1atu 10 years ago
I played the cb. Its boring as hell. Dont get me wrong, its well executed and i havent encountered any bugs (maybe a wierd mission stuck, but im not sure about that), but you cant launch something this simple, when Game of War Fire Age is on mobile (=more limited to resources and development) and gives you so much more to do. Or Dragons: Rise of Berk (on mobile and fb) which has a lot faster progression. Probably thats the thing that i hated the most. The slow progression. If you cant play for more than 5 minutes a day, its not a game.

GamerAlmighty 10 years ago
@ Kinggamerkg>>>Your a certified noob. Any comments made by you holds no value other then noob entertainment. Please disregard this “wanna be gamer”.

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LOL 10 years ago
yay more FB games here on mmo bomb please........ realy?

Anon 10 years ago
Why even put this garbage on your site? It's embarrassing.

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