Dota 2 First Look

Dota 2 is a free to play action Moba game. Dota began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3. Dota 2 is the result of Valve hiring the community developers who built the mod and giving them the chance to finally build a full product out of their idea.

To find more about Dota 2 check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (24)

kalatraba 12 years ago
DotA 2 is officially and honestly bad. The first and only true succesor of the DotA franchise is Heroes of Newerth (HoN for short). It took DotA 's gameplay and launched it into a new level. DotA 2 is way more worse game than HoN was in its first state. I played DotA 2 for less than 10 games and i despised it. No leaver protection, no report system, no actual essential changes from the previous DotA. Playing HoN for several years now I expected DotA 2 to be far more carefully designed than this...

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mjaybird 12 years ago
Why do people love Dota games like League of Legends.

NguyenLegends 12 years ago
LoL is in no way a sequel to DOTA. The sequel to dota would surely be better then the downgraded/Noobzalized mechanics of LoL.

Also if you wish to be good at all or most of the MOBA games out there just hop on HoN and see whats up. Make sure you are determined and have a decent GPU and CPU with alot of time to spare you'll need it.

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king 12 years ago
the game looks aweosme , how can u guys say that it sux , try to make a better !!!!!!!!

s1volu 12 years ago
How is this first look? Beta was for like a century there.

What's about the game, it sucks. First dota is so much better. Even graphics, not talking about gameplay wich totally dota 2 lost. It's my opinion and only my.

Arifena 12 years ago
the graphic look rly nice, as an old LoL player I like the look of this game, I bet i'll drop to try it out with my bf;
UI looks good, no useles stuff, big clear icons. I like potions on right side
What else i can say, for sure I'll try it out :)

btw rly nice catch of the game

asdasds 12 years ago
LoL is the true sequel to DOTA.

mjaybird 12 years ago
I will try this when it comes out. kind of burned out on shooters and MMO like WOW

Bicharrajo 12 years ago
How can i play Dota2?

Lucas 12 years ago
how can i do to play the beta?

lol 12 years ago
dota was one of the first moba games, it was just a map for warcraft 3 and millions of persons play it actually. This is a remake of dota, and i find it PERFECT. One of dota creators quitted project to make LoL, and this game is made to compare it with LoL. So no, it'ts not another "just pvp" game. It's a really good one

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longtimegamer 12 years ago
ah yes another PVP game like we need a 4 millionth version of another pvp game.
most PVE games are just level up grinders and there are very few that are not slated to be for pvp after you reach the level cap. makes me sad that the only type of games coming out are kill or be killed instead of finding friends and going on adventures together.

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king 12 years ago
first , but i dont want cookies , i want kebab and where is it ??!!

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