Dead Maze - Gameplay First Look

Zombies? Check! Scavenging? Check! Crafting? Check! Survival? Check! Well, looks like the requirement list is complete...but is Dead Maze any good? Let's check it out in our First Look!

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Discussion (7)

Preciel 7 years ago
what a generic mass produced repetitive unchallenging game ever made.

this is exactly why i ignore every game made by french developers no offense, it's like they don't even know what they're doing, really no pvp at all? and boring combat.. they had a chance to make it good but they just throw it in the trash bin, GG transformice devs maybe they should just stick to mice.

the koreans made numerous games like this and did far better yet their game shut down within a year or two (unless they were under a decent publisher) this company should be doing better than this.. what a disappointment!

Roderick 7 years ago
I rather play unturned, seriously. And I know it's filled with 12yr old boys ahahha

Dragg0n 7 years ago
Real question: How long will this game last?

Niizzy 7 years ago
So, its AQW with zombies?

Derick 7 years ago
"The game's too easy" -Wishseeker

Deathloche 7 years ago
Bag space would be a really good item to have in the cash shop.

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