City of Steam: Exclusive Dev Interview - Gameplay Action

It's been quite some time since out Alpha First Look for the upcoming browser game City of Steam. We were lucky enough to catch up with game developer Gab Laforge who spent some time with us to give YOU the info on how this anticipated title is shaping up!

To find more about City of Steam check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

In our Gameplay Action video series we revisit our favorite free to play MMORPG and MMO games checking out new updates, events, or just having fun! Count also with walktroughs, guides, interviews and much more.

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Discussion (11)

iKlone 11 years ago
Gunner suxs, animation really clumsy, warder is worse. For me it's the most boring when it comes to skills. I don't know, it's alright, not great. Confusing for new players ...upgrading etc....

Not epic. It's just ok. Not worth spending money on. Don't play gunner. Suxs.

Donald 12 years ago
Combat looks a bit boring, not very active.

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Laz Man 12 years ago
I was lucky enough to get in on the 1st Beta and I have to say this game was FUN!! They let you customize your character look so you can be pretty unique from the start, and customizing after that is just a matter of finding a piece of gear. Modding items is enjoyable, and I'm looking forward to more crafting options. They keep adding quests, which I'm glad about since I had to grind at levels 6 and 7 because I couldn't find solo quests & didn't like the random groups I got stuck in for group quests. Overall I recommend this great game!

lightkor 12 years ago
Nice interview with Gab. I haven't been paying attention to Steam Greenlight these couple of weeks so I didn't know City of Steam was on there. I customized my queue for only "Free To Play" and CoS was in fact the first one in my queue. Needless to say, I voted YES for it. *thumbs up*

herflik 12 years ago
Magicman always ask how long will it take to get the few bucks item from cash shop to obtain in f2p way. Since its still can be p2w, even if you can obtain everything in f2p way, you just need to grind 1000 hours to get it, lol.

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cacalips 12 years ago
Ive got my eye on them. Forum written statements by the Co. on how the pay model shapes up seems to be up in the air like: "maybe we will...maybe we wont. Well test you, if you eat it, we will play it like that, if not, ok". Rest your ground. Stand up for what you want, they will mold around you, not the other way around! And no, they will not starve without your payments.

wootz91 12 years ago

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