Universal Monsters Online is a 3D browser based MOBA that lets players play as iconic monsters from early horror films.
Bullet Run First Look
Bullet Run is a 3D semi-futuristic FPS published by Sony Entertainment. In the world of Bullet Run players become contestants on a reality TV show where the motto is "kill or be killed". In Bullet Run it's up to the players to put on the best "show" possible in order to rack up the "fame". If a player does well during a match they can unlock on the fly combat skills such as a minigun, an explosive remote control heli-drone, neuro-spider, and more!
To find more about Bullet Run check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.
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It seems unfinished. and some of the game just doesn't go together... its like its trying to be futuristic, but wasteland'ish at the same time (pick one... jees)
it takes forever to amass enough cash to buy weapons. it takes forever to rank up and unlock clothes, and gear.
it all LOOKS really good. but they are going to make you grind for it. All the while the PAYERS are getting uber gear and good lookign stuff and they murder everyone in game... no bueno.
They are going to shut it down again....
Sony sucks.
I bet they can't kill a damn soul in this game and that's their reason of complaint.
Are you saying "domination" as a game type in general or are you misreading "dominion"? No big. Just me and words, you know?
Anyways, after watching the video, my reaction was "Meh, another FPS". They're all starting to look like "Aim, shoot, reload" to me. (At least its not "run, shoot, and jump around like a hyperactive 10-year old", amirite? :) ) I don't know, maybe I'm just burned out by the "tag" aspect of the genre and looking for something with a little bit more context. Or am I just weird?