Brick Force First Look Video

Brick-Force is a free to play 3D sandbox shooter. The game lets players create the worlds and maps they always have dreamed of, brick by brick.

To find more about Brick-Force check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (15)

gabriel 13 years ago
thats is my problem how activate my account on brick-force

NinjaStylle 13 years ago
This game seemse nice but how i can get Beta key?
P.P. Its look like a FPS Minecraft :D

Mohamed 13 years ago
How do i activate my account on the website?

gabriel 13 years ago
and i have x-trap and thats is not the problem

gabriel 13 years ago
i know i need to put my e-mail but still not work

zolamee 13 years ago
*Warning* This game uses X-trap so you if you've had any issues with it on other games you'll have them here again.

As for the unkown account,log in with the full email not your username

gabriel 13 years ago
why when i try ro login say ''unknow account''

jacksonX 13 years ago
You have to activate your acount on the website and wait for an email saying your acount has been activated. It will tkae up to a few hours to 24hrs.

reivax200 13 years ago
I registered and reedemed the beta key i downloaded and it always says unknown account! why!

ninja10248 13 years ago
how am gonna play without a beta code?!?!

ThcMonkee 13 years ago
I agree, if the game uses blocks and is a sandbox game that does not make it a minecraft clone, i agree with that. But this game copied a lot more then just the use of blocks and it could entirely be made as a mod for minecraft. That makes it a clone.

If you like the game there is no need to deny the obvious, it's a clone. This, by it self, is not a bad thing. There are a lot of clones which are in many ways better then the original. For instance, i love League of Legends but it would be moronic to say it's not a clone of DoTa.

xxxxxxx 13 years ago
It wont let me play it says unknown account everytime i click play

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Shappyo 13 years ago
This looks so cool

When is it coming out?

Carlo 13 years ago
First, YAY!

This game is a lot of fun guys ^_^
The only really bad point is the sound you have to listen to when your building your own map XD

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