In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast, Innogames sees fit to shutdown Kartuga.
We're risk takers here at MMOBomb. Just look at our name, it has an explosive strapped right on the end. We live life on the edge. So in a recent F2P podcast, our rag tag team of pod-casters decided it would be a good idea to explore Hello Kitty Online. A place previously only reserved for 12 year old girls and cutesy anime enthusiasts.
So not being ones to back down, The Free to Play Cast has fulfilled their promise and set out on a journey through the cute and cuddly world of Hello Kitty Online. However, trouble is abound and the trio soon discover they are in fact, alone in the world. What has caused everyone to scatter?
Could it possibly be the aged graphics, simplistic gameplay, or mind numbing music? More importantly why does everyone have no pants? Tune in to find out!
In our Gameplay Action video series we revisit our favorite free to play MMORPG and MMO games checking out new updates, events, or just having fun! Count also with exclusive interviews, walktroughs, guides and much more.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast, Innogames sees fit to shutdown Kartuga.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Actualy, maybe you could make this into a show.In the last lines you said "why everyone left", it would be awesome if you could do a show were you explore a deserted game and try to figure out why it is deserted, like graphics, gameplay, cash shop, etc...
Or just make a fun video series about "girl games", you know, for the LULZ
Just thinking a little high here =D