Age of Wushu (Age of Wulin) is a Free to Play action type MMORPG is some unique features.
On this week's show Spunkify hangs out with the MMOBombers in the first closed beta for the upcoming martial arts MMORPG Age of Wushu! Watch Spunkify attempt to explain the intricate features that make up this deep PvP-focused MMO while answering community submitted questions in this exciting episode!
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BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/mmobomb every Monday and Wednesday at 2PM PST.
Age of Wushu (Age of Wulin) is a Free to Play action type MMORPG is some unique features.
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
textures are made like that for clan wars with hundreds of ppl so ppl with older PC can still enjoy it +in future server vs server
most skills have 7lvls but have to be unlocked via special quests
You need to read what npc say when You pass by as some of them can talk about treasure or master who can teach You skills
if You jump in and out from water without horse You will see ripple and water drops, also in other maps You would see that on max settings water is as engine not simply texture so there are waves
durring pvp on roofs ppl would fall to easy
no day cycle, but theres high chance it will come in future as developer bring most things they said earlier with uptades
patrolling is to catch spys in Your school not to spy on spys:P
riding on mount at clan territory depends from clan
You had weekly spying quest and clan leader teleported You to other clan
in chinese version without VIP crafting is almost impossible, snail US claim they wont follow it but we will see
nope they wouldnt attack You
there are 32 mini instances and 5 big instances each have 4 modes some bosses summon other players to help him kill invaders, at hardest mode each boss do that / in 3rd instance normal mobs hit for 1k try there say PvE is easy;p
You can do PvP everywhere at any time;p
had problem with spying coz they had problem with offline ppl
that were mini instances not ranking
with strongest version of i3 4g ram and gtx460OC normally I have 60fps in clan wars with hundreds of ppl it drop to 35-48
these arent random, ppl set them manualy and info is sent on server, in CB most ppl who did that are experienced ppl from chinese servers who just like to kill newbies
he was online all time;p near nick You have icon taht show if You are good person evil etc offline ppl dont have it
You lost energy for qigong skills;p
You need wait for blue bar, till then others can help You kinda like in GW2