BombLive: Elsword 1v1 PvP (Ep. 13)

This week Magicman tries again to make it a whole episode without dying... but when he is leveled enough to try 1v1 PvP it could endanger the entire plan! Can he hang on in Elsword Online? Check out this episode of the action, anime inspired MMO!

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BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: every Monday and Wednesday at 2PM PST.

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Discussion (22)

Janay 8 years ago
I'm imrdessep. You've really raised the bar with that.

Annyonymus 12 years ago
Well,I could give this game a 7/10.The graphics are good,and I like the animations,but I had to quit because it got repetitive so fast and the dungeons are not so hard.

SetsuXNAngel 12 years ago
Magicman if you play arena do not let them fall or you can't hit them. Just practice combos and improve stats to help you and a lot of the A-SS ranks(I don't know about A) are overgeared. Also you should go for Sheath knight and become an Infinity Sword later on when it gets released. :3 Elsword do a barrel roll!

Calious 12 years ago
Adding to hellyeah's comments, yes it looks like GrandChase and I really believe it was completely intended, the developer company is the same, KOG. There is a few (but very important) things that distinguished one to the other thou. Unfortunately, it is IP blocked and I can't play from my country as well, which is Brazil. However I can play GrandChase at the local server and it's a really great game to spend a couple of hours into it if you just want to relax a bit and complete some missions beating the hell out of the mobs! And I do believe Elsword would go in the same category as GrandChase.
And for the reasons above, I suggest a First Look video for GrandChase, it has 17 characters and most of them with up to 4 classes with unique skills and different gameplay (some characters only get more skills and improved gameplay through classes thou). The North America servers, published by GameRage, seems quite off from the last updates that the game got on other servers, but it is a game where you can find a character and class you gonna like to have some fun at least a hour a day! By the way, it has a really interesting story but, mostly, you will enjoy it more in the official website and fansites than in-game...

Thanks Magicman and the MMOBomb staff for the amazing content you guys produce, keep up with the great work in this new year!

Cyberpunk 12 years ago
Man this elsword games looks like a button mashing game

hellyeah 12 years ago
its me or it looks like grand chase 2, and its ip banned in my country aswell fk

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Angelicxx 12 years ago
magicman the end of the video was epic :D street fighter themeL(-_0)J L(-_0)J L(-_0)J L(-_0)J

Ascend 12 years ago
Elsword is a great game, however after you hit level 40 it gets quite boring. I'm looking forward towards their next title "Fighters Club", though I have no idea when its going to come out. The teaser site has been up for the past year.

Kein 12 years ago
the only thing i dont like in guild wars 2 .... it doesnt have much END GAME content now that WvWvW its not that playable ...:)

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xoextreme 12 years ago
magicman is in your opinion secret world worth it? ive been playing guild wars 2 non stop and loving it especially since its buy to play and i dont have to pay monthly.

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Angelicxx 12 years ago
Mounted!:)..Magicman ro2 is not ip blocking i dont know if you read my other comment on the ro2 dicussion on mmobomb but it has a client that says other on the site i donwload that in it had 2 servers that says all in it has 1 thats for the 2 orginal open beta area but it has 2 that says all on both of those servers u can play on go check it out if you think im lying cause i have it installed in my computer in playing so go check it outt i can give u link if u want.

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