Battlerite - Gameplay First Look

StunLock Studios brings you the spiritual successor to Bloodline Champions in Battlerite, the free-to-play 2v2 or 3v3 Arena Brawler.

To find out more about Battlerite, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (17)

Trenix 8 years ago
Game isn't free. Pretty bad business move for a MOBA.

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TheKingBoggart 8 years ago
Played 50 rounds game rocks

trionisshit 8 years ago
If there is rpg elements im in but if its brainless one map boredom like cs and mobas im out!

Jason 8 years ago
Magickman you suck in this type of games and in card games as well. hand over the reviews to someone that can actually play them

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elasticus 8 years ago
Footages are not allowed to be shared :
,,Remember that the NDA is still in effect, so tell them no streaming or sharing footage until tuesday (September 20th)!
The Stunlock Team"

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Ghestly 8 years ago
I played few days before NDA was lifted and something i noticed but Magicman didn`t... i will copy my comment from youtube! Actually you have so called EX skills on 1,2,3,4... i was going through key bindings and noticed that you have smth like alternative (similar skills with different effects) skills for already existing skills!!!

Redy501 8 years ago
One of the best betas in a long time. The gameplay was fluid and unique and the experience felt fresh. I ve played nonstop since the beginning of the beta and it is amazing. One of the few free games that deserves support.Give it a try!

ASD 8 years ago
Character selection screen didn't look half bad but I hate the overview perspective view of characters. So I most likely won't play this game. I perfer playing in 1st person and 2nd person view. 3rd person view sucks.

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BitterMoth 8 years ago
Does not look half-bad.

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