Battlefield Play4Free: First Look and video Review

Battlefield Play4Free is a free to play 3D MMOFPS (Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter). Unlike the previous Battlefield Heroes, the game has realistic graphics that combines the most popular maps from Battlefield 2 with the popular classes and weapons of Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

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Discussion (3)

krahxy 13 years ago
fun but cant change classes once u choose unless u go to website and pay to use a different class

DiamondZack 13 years ago
Can't play it in Hong Kong, SAD...........................

Josh 13 years ago
Ok, have you ever played Battlefield 2, its pretty much that. all the maps are BF2 clones as well as all the vehicles.

You didn't talk about the skill tree or the classes either.

This is only a suggest here, how about you narrate after you record the video.

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