This week on Free to Play Weekly: Ragnarok Online 2 restricted to Asia, Age of Empires Online Stops Production, Arctic Combat gets it's first update of 2013 and more!...
Back inside and warm, Magicman tackles your questions while he basks in the light of the F2P Cast banner. This week we get all down and deep with a Magicman game idea and even talk about Where news stories come from!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
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This week on Free to Play Weekly: Ragnarok Online 2 restricted to Asia, Age of Empires Online Stops Production, Arctic Combat gets it's first update of 2013 and more!...
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
I know the question is bit strange, but I have come across several games that offer Founder Package or Starter Package before you even get to see the game and relying on hyped up "feature" or promises.
2 the jokes was a really pleasant ideal to the show too .
And on your ideal about the making a game I do believe u are on to something there too .
Again thkx for the grand show and yet up the excellent job that goes for all working in MMOBOMB!
They seem popular and I kinda like them but people really bash them hard for some reason.
I kinda wish there was something like an Anime-style FPS/TPS game maybe if thats even possible. XD
Oh and when I say anime-style, I mean REAL anime-style like ragnarok online or rusty hearts or elsword, not the cartoony like.
That had to do with new's, But the Advertising on the site page, Beta key's , Giveaways.
These types of things do you have to get ahold of the creators of the games listed on the main site page :example * Marvel Avengers* or do they get ahold of you , about advertisment space.
Giveaways and keys, do they come to you or do you have to email and ask them for whats needed.
Thank's again
Like you said, I have ideas that could latch on to other games, but really, I haven't had much thought into creating a full blown game.
Nice jokes btw, enjoyed the 2nd one a lot more however.
I would so buy that game though knowing the game would build.
The game will have 2 servers per country will be F2P servers & B2P servers with the B2P users will get try out the updates 1 month before the F2P users can try the update & with cash shops & the B2P users will have more events then F2P users.
Not farmville crap. A harvest moon game. (or Rune Factory, for the fights)
This is the first game that i've begun, and stopped playing, being Age of Wushu.
The closed beta was around a few days from launch and i was planning to buy the Deluxe edition for the access. (At this point Snail Games had made NO announcements about the F2P 10 hour system that they have now implemented) So i went ahead and purchased myself a copy, i was skeptical about the game whether i'd like it or not, but i proceeded.
Here's the part where you call me stupid. I also bought a copy of Deluxe edition for 3 of my friends whom i wanted to play with, (Yes i'm dumb for doing that, but at this point i thought they'd have to wait for OB)
We all disliked the game entirely, both game-play and lack of communication, when i found out that anyone could access the beta without any pre-purchasing, I was very aggravated and immediately applied for a refund which i am yet to receive to this date.
Snail Games has a lot to learn.
A city is set in ruins, and it's the community responsible for rebuilding the city, collecting stones, lumber, ect. to make the walls and so on and so forth. Say you are a lumberer or what have you as your profession, well when you go into NPC Mode like you said MagicMan, you can become a Contractor while in NPC Mode, where players can come up to you(if you have the materials to sell) to buy the lumber needed to rebuild the city/town/castle/ect. and that player who owns the lumberer/contractor can create their own quests when going into NPC Mode, such as like if you need XX amount of a given material or resource, you can set up a quest players can get from you where you send the player out to collect xx amount of y for you so you don't have to go out farming all the time, and you can set how much money you reward the player with, whether it be a gold, twenty silver, five copper ect. then integrate it to where for each thing you rebuild/repair you get a set amount of exp for doing the action so you don't gain exp from the player quest, but you get it from using the stuff you buy/scavenge for/from the player NPC to rebuild or craft items for your own use.
Sorry for the long post, just kind of what I've been thinking about in similarity to what you mentioned.
Project Full Control (anime)
What is an MMO? its a virtual world and fully interactive that many activities can be done (rather than grinding crafting and adventuring and build houses) it would be an ANIME simulator you could create your character (could use the kinect sensor to get your body image)
So for combat I tought of some vindictus core engines blade and soul counter attacks Tera Graphics.
So when i say "vindictus core engines i mean action packed and moing combat Since its anime you would be seeing a lot of energy blasts telepoorts high speed moves so that would be fuild while it should destroy the terrain (phisics aplyed) iw as thibking like an MMORPG combat mixed with the DBZ TENKAICHI 3 (the part of blasting of special moves charing up energy it could have any name Ki energy chi chakra) an alternate bar for Stamina ( so you can not spam melee moves)
It would be you versus a lot of enemies at the same time ( air combat implies at later levels) you are unable to buy gear i this world only craft it
this has been extracted from a book off mine ( no in there there are no grammar mistakees) that i have not published!
I ll update part 2 later (tired of typing)
A tactical turn based combat hex game.
A strategy game based on individual battles
with industrial and crafting components.
I emailed them about it over a month ago and they sent me a reply 2 days ago asking me what my email address was LOL are they kidding or what.
From experience and I do speak from experience... any game that has been converted from korean or asia to the rest of the world is bound to be a rip off. Not only the Help service from these type of games but everything ranging from exploits to simple patches are bound to make any gamer unhappy.
More to the point and back on topic what MMO would i create ?
its all been done and its all the same, so to elaborate a bit more I would do whats already been done but make it better.
That my gaming mates would have to be Star wars Galaxies 2. Any one that played pre CU or CU knows for a fact that they had something really good. But typical of SOE they had to ruin one of the best MMOS ever made.
Other than my wishes of swg2 it would have to be some kind of MMOFPS that is not linear in any way or form not like these fake mmo fps games that can only manage "X" amount of players on any given map thats just baloney. Give us open worlds (planets) to explore.
Another Idea thats been on my mind for almost 10 years now is an action melee mmo with a combat system like Jedi knight 2, so you take jedi knight 2 and vindictus make it open world and there you have one amazing game. Im not saying you have to wield a light saber or infact be star wars theme but imo jk2 is the best melee combat game ive ever played that requires years of practice to even be considered good.
jk2 combat + mmo = Drool. Its a hard concept to grasp but I think it holds merit.
I dont know a single game that has managed to capture a melee (sword) combat style like the jedi knight series.
ps: im not a star wars fan boy I promise... but there games are dam good minus the console ones and that last hic up swtor rofl such a sad story.
1.Are you planning another World of Warplanes giveaway ?
2.Is there any possibility for MMOBomb to organise some Tourtament for Dota 2 Amateur Teams ?
Greetings ;)
I won't post my ideas on here though. Even though I would love to see one of my ideas become reality and I probably will never have enough money to make them happen, I still would like to have the option to make money off of one (if not more) if at all possible. I would hate the thought of someone making money off of an idea I came up with and me making nothing. I'll tell you this, none of my ideas are fantasy. One is a shooter, one is a space mmo, one is a present time mmo and one is a driving game. All except the driving game have persistent worlds, all would be f2p with a model that I thought up.
Keep up the good work!