World of Warplanes is a flight combat MMO published by Wargaming.net.
On this episode of Ask MMOBomb we clear up some general questions on the new show's format and future, dive into some MAC rumors, and talk about dealing with negative feedback on your own internet content. We add in a few other questions about some of our favorite games and how the F2P Cast met and we try to figure out why Damina is already decorating for Halloween. Thank you for the HUGE positive feedback on this new show and don't forget to submit YOUR questions for next week!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Ask MMOBomb via Youtube.
World of Warplanes is a flight combat MMO published by Wargaming.net.
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
You could add some of your magictricks to the show. Would be nice :)
(I absolutely mean no offense, as I am redheaded myself -- as if one could offend another by pointing out their hair color... oh wait).
and your voice sounds weird in this video.
(oh noes, that's not really magicman oO)
Man, I'd love to work for someone like mmobomb.com, for free even, shame I just don't have that much time to dedicate to gaming, not to mention I have mixed thoughts about almost everything, you can't give any game out there period, ad "Perfect Score", because you'd not only be lying to yourself, but to everyone else out there. This is exactly the reason I love mmobomb.com, and "used" to like mmohut.com, for their first looks, no one in your team was afraid to just speak their mind, on how they felt about everything.
Btw, FF-X, and FF-VIII, were the best Final Fantasy Series =P. This was entertaining to watch, I might login to watch more of em. Hopefully one day I can bring it to myself to do something I've always wanted like making reviews and such. Oh well, one day... One day...
That's not my question though...my question is: Even though you really support f2p (at least I assume you do), do you personally believe f2p in it's current state is the best business model out of f2p, b2p and p2p? Not in terms of profit from a company's perspective, but from your own perspective as a gamer.
Just Fu*king with ya bro. Good job as always sir!!
I love your video's and website. I check it daily and i have to admit i have become addicted to the video's you guys create with the latest gaming news!
Love this shit!
Respect, Crono