On this episode of Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks MStar, a new free to play social dance MMO that uses the unreal 3 engine.
On this very first Episode of "Ask MMOBomb", Magicman answers questions directly from the viewers. We talk about the history of MMOBomb, microphones, books, and basically anything YOU want to know about! Nothing is off limits but we may edit questions for language!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Ask MMOBomb via Youtube.
On this episode of Foreign Fridays, Spunkify checks MStar, a new free to play social dance MMO that uses the unreal 3 engine.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Has MMOBomb / Freemmogamer .. Ever won any awards or been in PC magazine's?
If so what one's and years, I would love to go back and read the article's.
Unrelated, But maybe you can awnser !
While doing a search i see that Freemmogamer is still up and running, Why is this?
There is another site that is called Gia**bomb - Who was first and why are the logo's of the bomb so simular?
Copyright can't be used here.. or is this just a big can of worms that don't need to be open?
Your Friend/Fan
It is funny to see the spectrums between extreme rich gamers showing off their gear, tech and graphical acheivements and "play this game if your leet" reviews, and then the middle ground, and then the guy in a park taking questions LOL! Good stuff! I do give kudos for the book introductions, other aspects of mmorpg really build a community and help get past the corporate crap.
But,You should know me well enough by now,That i will not make this to easy on you. :D
You call yourself a gamer, Like i do myself, And everyone that watch's your video's also thinks that they are.
So i want to test you on this ! hahaha Scared yet ?
The first multiplayer pc to pc game Was Maze War - 1974
My question to you is :
In each Decade since , 80's , 90's, 2000's and our future
What Game's or Feature's were added during these decade's to Help PC's battle for supremacy
in the gaming world?
Enjoy your homework Damina ! While Magicman and i play GW2 . lmfao
Commentary gameplay is a sort of nod to the viewers you (staff and hosted guests) particularly like this game for whatever reason, still not clear, and play it and show us, which usually includes allot of Spunk screaming in a high pitch voice as of lately. Not allot of commentary.
Then I cast where more meat and potatos is dished out but still not allot of connection to the community as much as "you played it, why or why not like it" and we get a sort of "It is wow clone" kind of response and no one touching on the GLARING issues that are simply found in the actual game community itself or ON THE FORUMS. So we are left with videos and commentaries a little off mark and THAT is how we are supposed to decide to DL a game... Notice most comments in youtube still leave that question: "So is this game worth DL? so is it free? so ..[insert common questions]"
SInce that is the make up of the site, I only snap over to cross refernce videos. Nothing more.
The cross referncing is myb est advice for people. Go to PRIVATE (public, but one dude doing a review) Blogs, several, and check out the comments, they usually dont hold back and can be found in game a little more and active on games forums. Cross reference that with a few mainstream sites (The only 3!! that show up on google searches) like mmohut/Onrpg; mmostie, mmorpg. Then, and only then can you start to get a sort of fleshed out feel for games. One thing almost all of them fail to do though is check out both sides of the offerings, that is, no one offers an EU comparrison where EU games are held, and that is nice to do since more and more games are crossing these boundries. Aion is a good example; once IP blocked now EU and US version play like 2 different games as far as features. Ok; screw EU, another thing they fail to do is challenge the system and call out GMs to explain their views on things.
YOu can always get a representative or a gM for ass kissing, but not one will touch the obvious issues that are in game or in forums. This leaves 90% of the community that has evolved into "ninnys" that say; "Oh well, at least we have a game." - "Yeah it is bugged, but we dont pay for it so what do you expect, it is F2P" - "Yeah it sucks, but all games are like this" - "yeah it sucks and in games like ARiea games where you get banned if you advance as a F2P without paying cash you cna get banned for 'collecting to many items', but I wont talk about it because it is free" - WHAT? does this argument run in any other aspect of your life? "Yeah I am getting raped, but at least it is sex'", I understand that at the DMV maybe....but this is entertainment!
LAstly, the Gamelists that have ratings by vote. Cross reference those and it is amazing how each site differs. Sometimes it is a regional thing, but 100% of the time is is bad archived data. No one has reset their voting gamelist since 1995. They are so skewed. A simple archive "2005 vote list" and 2012 being the current one being voted on, would be a GREAT feature on mmorpg sites...no one does it. Everyone follows this mold of what MMORPG sites of "first general looks" and "Gamelist that reflects nothing (RoM still being mmorpg top game)"
There is a cool review of a great opinionated reviewer here:
End of every review he Lists: Reasons to play - Not play - and Cash shop. HE is probably the more vriticall analysed reviewers. But sometimes his choice of games just are not enough and he is a bit slow in updating his reviews.
In the end, a good cross reference has lead me to 4 titles I will playing well over GW2 this year, and have been in them 2 years strong. I am loving my current games and glad I did the research, otherwise id be installing and uninstalling a million anime clones if I follwed these sites; and frustrated to hell. LOL!
I'm looking forward to reading "The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy".
I'm not much of a philosophy nerd either but it's something that's always interested me.
So thanks again for the recommendation.
#smoking crack&
You already done a lot for us and still doing .. I think you need still do some more Show or recreat some other shows for more Information about MMOf2p .. not only Games News but more Publisher or Developer news .. you know something like "Serious News"- with man who "wearing a tie" and speak about:
1) Why developers (publishers) need now more Times for Alpha or CBT period
2) Why so many f2p companies diying
3) Any chance we will have some in-game chance gaine real money ( i mean Events and , ofcourse i mean Donation money for game)
4) What about promotion , why so many f2p companies start alpha test with Begging about Donation to the game for CBT or OBT period
5)Why Korean and Chines companied (devs) keep so long Publish games in EU/NA ( 2-3years ago it was much faster)
6) What about restiction (region restriction) why so many companies doing it .
and ect ect ect .
I think time to do not only Funny thing time to start doing Really Serious Job and learn everything about f2p .
Geeez , sorry for my bad english .... shame for me .
Good Luck MMOBOMB - you are The Best !
i f*** love the fact taht damina took the bloopers ahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahha so funny seriously hats off made me laugh ALOT hahahahahahahahha i just wihs i could of seen her fall over that would of made me burst into tears :D
just an idea why not do each ask mmobomb with different casters so u know change it up i mean i know magicman luvs to do it but got 2 give the lime light to other people some time u know :P