On this week´s Free to Play Cast music fills the air but we aren't sure why at first...
On this week's delayed show, we thank the viewers who expressed concern for our safety during Superstorm Sandy, follow up on some ad based gaming from last show, and tackle some pretty interesting questions about clothing, MMO Gamers and their ADD, and Havek even yells in from off camera to name the cartoon or movie HE wants to see as an MMO. Don't forget to leave YOUR questions in the comments below!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Ask MMOBomb via Youtube.
On this week´s Free to Play Cast music fills the air but we aren't sure why at first...
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
It came at the right time with the right IP, but does it deliver?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
I've got another question for ya, MagicMan.
Which do you believe is better: Evolutionary or Revolutionary games/gaming? By Evolutionary, I mean it is built upon & refines older formulas, but it usually doesn't add anything truly new or innovative to the table, and by Revolutionary I mean it is something innovative, new, & fresh, but it could be too far ahead of it's time, or not refined enough.
Examples: The PS3 (evo.) vs. the Wii (revo.) or Call Of Duty (evo.) vs. Guitar Hero (revo.)
I will add,just add, not ADD add but strictly add, lmao
None of use have ADD when it comes to gaming!
Either you are the true form of the word Gamer (most try,Must play everything, we Gamer's hope around Alot, it is not ADD that make's us it is well, Like a fat kid in a candy store and damn am i hungry to try everything the store/internet has to offer me.
The player / Casual Gamer is the one that will play 1 game that he/she like's and stick with it , When you talk to these people and ask them to come try something , Most will respond well atm i am playing " add game here " and they won't leave to try it.
Ask a Gamer that and they will be dling it as your talking to them about it !
No ADD in gaming.... add or ADD your comment below ;)
Dang that was fun ... lol
NCSoft is changing account control systems and it will revoke previous gifts from Collectors Editions, Pets and whatnot that you could give your characters in your account. What you think? Technical incompatibilty or just a general clean slate around?
I wouldn't mind having a Kids Next Door MMO, but I don't think it'll ever happen.
My question: Will you ever cover Single Player f2p games?
Well thought out and in-depth response. I personally think "Gamer ADD" is a terrible but inevitable fact of gaming today, and agree with you completely. The shear flood of games in the market has ruined true game loyalty. Oh, i remember the good old days of EQ1 where you really had to commit to make a presence in the game. I fear this type of gamer mentality will never return....sigh.
Trust me, I'm not an attention whore, but I have another question. (A little precursor first) I've always wanted to go to school for video game design and am really considering going for it. Do you have any insight as to the better schools to attend? Unfortunately, I would probably have to do online courses due to being a working professional grinding out 55+ hours a week. Let me know if anything comes to mind.
Great job as always!
I think at first it was a good thing. You had new flavors, new worlds, new adventures all around so it was quite enticing to try and get a taste of it all. But it seems either players got too addicted to "trying out new things" or companies noticed an influx of income as people would go for cash shop items to speed up their adventures, that they decided it was a good idea to just "exploit" this feeling and launch game after game to get some bucks off a copy/paste title.
I know it has been covered and discussed in the F2PC here that players seem to shun away things too outbound of their confort zone but still...I don't know, I would give a shot at The Secret World or Guild Wars 2 for instance if they removed the cash shop. TSW having a cash shop on top of a sub on top of box buy just seems silly to me (yeah, that goes for you too WoW). GW2 cash shop hit for me a forbidden zone. Hate having to use the cash shop for inventory space (character slots I can understand as it is saved server side, but being cheap on inventory? That's just heresy in my book).
I think some changes are good, but you'd need a smaller company doing it. Niche games can surivive longer and healthier with smaller companies than the big ones with their overthinking for share holders. For instance, I know it ain't free but the trial got me really hooked (unfortunately euros are too much for my wallet), Mortal Online. It's like a 3D Ultima Online, if I could afford it, would play it for sure. Mabinogi is also one I find myself enjoying this days (when not tanking on World of Tanks), wouldn't mind seeing a review of it here on MMOBomb as it has a lot of stuff to do in it. Wouldn't mind some suggestions on this kind of game mechanics too since Mabinogi is a bit too cash shop intensive for my taste sometimes.
Anyways, wall of text is high enough, will be waiting for the next F2PC. Thanks for the content and the laughs (big side of deep fried bacon wrapped pork chops to our friendly 800 pound Kahlyn) keep up the great work!
I'm wondering how good betas are really? For instance I played in the RaiderZ closed beta and now that the open beta is on I'm not sure I want to play it. I enjoyed RaiderZ BUT I played though level 25 already and I'm not sure I want to go through it AGAIN to catch up to where I was. I enjoyed the continued game, but to play hours and hours more of game play I already went though just to catch up seems boring to me. Now games that have different start areas and quests depending on what character type you picked is nice because during the beta you can play one type and get one starting area and one round of quests and then when it goes gold you can try another and it seems new. On the other hand if you play with someone then you have to pick the same type of character so you're in the same starting area and get the same quests.
BigDaddy why would I take your word on something when I could barely make out what you said. I prefer Nvidia because they're drivers are better (although I hear AMD is getting better with their drivers). Yes ATI started in 1985, but its not like Nvidia is a new company, is started in 1993. I've had issues with ATI but with Nvidia I've had great results. The thing is the two companies hop over each other on which is the fastest. It'll be Nvidia then ATI will come out with something and it'll be ATI then Nvidia, so they may be both equal and it just comes down to preference.
Comment if you know what I mean :p