War Thunder is a free to play aviation combat MMO by Gaijin Entertainment.
This week the idea of an outdoor episode in the snow seemed like a GREAT idea... on paper. Turns out that snow stuff is COLD! This week Magicman takes a look at publishers playing games, sandbox titles, and chat windows! All this and much more!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Ask MMOBomb via Youtube.
War Thunder is a free to play aviation combat MMO by Gaijin Entertainment.
A Paragon-inspired project actually see the light of day, but can it compete with a crowded field of MOBAs?
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
again, because of moral, I had to uninstall EU. Just cant play that greed game. US is not IP blocked but super lag fest from EU. :ç AION RANT OVER, but very relevant as it is 2012 TOP MMORPG chosen here in mmobomb.
Apply this to the game world and bam. Bad ideas + good publishing name = bad product.
Good ideas + bad publishing = Broken product (with usual great first and original versions, Vanilla wow, EQ, etc)
Good ideas + Good publisher = Usually interdependent, or one time launch (see above) - (mine craft, etc)
Opinions rock. One persons does matter. Collect them all. Measure them, test them then use moral for gods sake. Even if Star Wars was a super awesome MMORPG that uses real life teleporting, I would not touch it if it made George Lucas rich. I prefer to miss out and play a bigger real life role than turn into a sheep.
Support your local private servers all, and happy new years!
I have a theme for you guys to talk about in free-to-play cast or maybe in another video.
The theme is: What are the most expected mmorpgs free or not for 2013.
I would love to ear you guys talk about this and also read the community feedback,
Keep doing those great videos.
Love the show.
Seriously though, if a game makes me feel like some kind of guinea pig, I happily uninstall it. Unfinished and sloppy code is the hallmark of a crappy game.
There are a lot of new titles new amazing super awesome titles coming out during this year so how much do ya think the gonna raise the bar for free-2-plays next year oh and happy new years
Good MMOASK though.
I have a question for you. Why is it that you don't do other "Pay To Play" Titles such as Guild Wars 2 for first looks? You're websites name doesn't exactly suggest that you strictly do "Free To Play" Titles being "Mmobomb" and all. I would like to see a First Look of Guild Wars 2. Don't pretend as if you don't play the game MagicMan, and Spunkify, I know you do. You guys don't seriously expect me to believe you just play "Free to Play" do you? Of course not. Should do some first looks on Guild Wars 2 (Game I play, cause nothing else it out yet), maybe do a dual commentary, I'd love to see that personally, would be fun =).
When will you make a clone attack again?
I found it very interresting :)
I've asked this question to Damina on the 1 year mmobomb live show but i totally agree with her but i would like to know your "prespective" on that.Yep your thoughs are correct its about age of wushu i want your thoughts about it although i think u agree but i really want to hear ur opinion about this whole deal and especially now that(as u said)they are "re"thinking to reduce those 3 months head start that people get if they pay real money.So what are your thoughs on this?Thanks in advance and hope u didn't get sick :(
As for Salem, sigh......... I wanted to try it, and tried..... Damn client won't start! Tried to get it to work for 2 hours, but to no avail. Salem, you just lost out on a player. If you want a player base, make it so I can actually launch the damn game! FOR SHAME!
As for EQNext.... oOoOoOo, as I've mentioned before, EQ1 was my end all be all of mmo's! It's what got me playing mmo's, so I will be excited for anything with that IP attached to it. Sony, please....please.....please don't screw this one up!
Thanks again Magicman for letting me be involved in your content, it makes my day every time!
Keep doing what you do brother!
keep up the good work.