It seems like most of the news this week was bad news.
On this episode of Ask MMOBomb, Magicman replies to viewer question about the neverending war between consoles and PCs, if free-to-play will die out, and throws in a few video creation questions for good measure. Make sure to submit YOUR questions for next week's show!
Ask MMOBomb is an MMOBomb.com weekly exclusive where we answer questions from our viewers. While questions should be Free to Play games related, they don't always HAVE to be if you question is something we think viewers REALLY want to know. So feel free to ask anything you want! Questions are chosen from YouTube, Facebook and our website comments on the previous episodes, and emails sent to magicman@mmobomb.com. Get those questions ready and let's have some fun!
Don´t forget to subscribe to Ask MMOBomb via Youtube.
It seems like most of the news this week was bad news.
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
1. The number of the max level itself.
2. The amount of time (grind) necessary to reach that level.
One example of a F2P MMO that satisfies both criteria for a high chance of level maximization is DCUO. Its max level is 30. It's possible to reach it in one weekend if a player really wanted to do so and without much deviation from simply playing through the main/story quests.
If anyone would like to lose their "max level" virginity easily, this would be the game.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to help anyone with this since I stopped playing due to my disagreement with some of its game design decisions. I was also playing it on the PS3.
I am just wondering if ya'll have ever thought of covering B2P games and why or why not? Now with the success of GW2 and The Secret World changing to a B2P model I think we are going to see more games going in the direction. Though not 100% F2P in many respects the B2P model is cheaper then some so called F2P models. I also think that the B2P model overall makes more sense for the large triple a MMOs then the F2P model as they get the initial launch day surge in revenue that the investors are looking for while the player gets a great game that they can enjoy for the life of the game.
Love the show.
Sir Jaxxy
Catching up to some news in the mmorpg industry I’ve noticed something that could be the initial stages of a consolidating trend: titles launching as p2p and going f2p in a relatively short span.
Nothing new here, really; but I began to ‘ruminate’ on such life challenging musings and started to think of what ifs.
How would you receive one marketing “ploy” from a company/publisher that would very transparently offer 6 months of early access to their new game?
I’m thinking on the news about The Secret World (and their new strange ARG-like video log), Age of Wushu (and it’s early access beta), and even SWTOR and some speculations about TERA – we can throw Blade and Soul here as well, since no one really know how they’ll port it over for the western audience.
The catch of this ploy here is that they would be very frank and straight forward: 60 bucks (10 usd / month) for 6 months early access on the servers – maybe adding a few trinkets, cosmetic, for good measure.
I myself would welcome such a tactic – emphasizing the publisher’s honesty and transparency as good measures. But opinions are very diverse and here’s my question: how do you think about it? Is it a wolf in sheep’s clothing money grab? Would you sympathize with it or hate such idea?
Don’t think in terms of game characteristics, for instance, a steep xp curve or other things that could prove very relevant for such analysis. Just the main idea. On a review would you bash it and be vocal against it or would you show sympathy?
Greetings from Brazil,
As far as free to play goes, I've reached summoner level 30 in LoL, but I've barely even leveled in most other titles. In BLR, I'm level 27, and I've put 53 hours into it since it launched on Steam, and I don't know how many before. They'll probably raise the level cap again before I hit the current one.
I want know what song u use for the intro of Ask MMOBomb because I really like that song. so i hope you read this and let me know.
People always talk about AAA games...what does it actually mean? I've never heard about AA, A or even B games, so I'm not sure if it's even a ranking...
I can't stay with one very long, i just fell to play other and then other and then other. I play Gw2 now and the highest character i have is an elementalist lvl 50, and it isn't even hard to lvl up in that game. Now I play warrior but i'm already feeling to play thief, then I might get back to the elementalist but not for long and on and on.... This is why from F2P games the game I played most was EE, since I could just switch classes so easyly, yet I haven't hit lvl cap here but I was close.
Firstly, consoles will never take over pc gaming and vice versa. People will always be more willing to buy a ps3 for $499, than to pay $2k+ for comp to play the same game. Plus, the whole niche thing, console gamers tend to stay true to their system even though there is some crossover.
F2Play will never die, Magic hit it on the head. It makes money! PERIOD. Not just from the games, but sites like this. The advertising makes a ton of money, and rightly it should. We all love this site and god forbid if it went away! *enters fetal position*
Have I ever gotten to max level on a free2play game: Yes, but not often. This goes back to the whole gamer ADD thing. (I'll take credit for bringing that up again! LOL) I tend to switch games before I have a chance to get high level.
My Question: Do you think a truly "sandbox" mmo (such as Wyrm Online etc.) will ever gain massive popularity amongst gamers? It seems that everyone wants a great one, but they just never seem to have big fan bases.
I had taken a little break from contributing with posts and such. Work has been killing me lately, but I promise I have been tuning in. It's good to be back and involved.
Thanks for everything you guys do!
Great video, Magicman!
I´m a "bouncing games man" too but i believe that is for that i dont feel the "fun" part of the game in early levels (Or the cash shop is a pain) so i jump game to game (In the f2p MMORPG worl, in Legue of legends I been playing for 2 years) My question is how do I know if a f2p mmorpg game is worthy to achive final levels (not necesary lvl cap) without expending weeks playing or watching youtube videos? (It dont work the videos for me) I know that is a silly question but i belive that someone has a "key" answer. I cant play p2p, the dollar is too expensive for me (I'll explain later).
By the way, I miss the cartoony guy from the first videos of "Free To Play Weekly", it will be great to give him some sort of "funeral". And great show and Saludos desde Argentina! (Greeting from Argentina!)
Do you think that SWTOR will be more free to play than it is now.