Arctic Combat: The Free to play Call of Duty?

Is Arctic Combat the free to play Call of Duty game that many gamers expect? Watch our first look video and judge by yourself. Arctic Combat is a new free to play twitch-heavy online first-person shooter (FPS) featuring realistic warzone effects, a variety of modern weapons and much more.

To find more about Arctic Combat check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (46)

ugurano 12 years ago
this game kill cod

Nehabje 12 years ago
I think its fun to play, but if there are still people playing COD 4, i think i will pick that one up for a low $15, instead of this rip off.

LamprosMaximus 12 years ago
May i ask a question guys i register recently to this webzen this website they send me email about Arctic combat and beta key closed anyway dont say a lot.... i try to log on log out i do this couple times.... whatever i go to my profil actually i though when i will register it will apear little box which is say PLay now i dont really know how to play Arctic combat IF anybody can help me i would really apreciate :) Thanks

-TT-Digita_ 12 years ago
when does this game come out

Clamor 12 years ago
Shitty ripoff of COD 4, they're so lazy, they didn't even make iron sights, instead they made a red dot, wait no, made? RIPPED STRAIGHT OUT OF COD 4 red dot sights as default, so that they didn't have to make iron sights for each weapon. The bullets travel 5 seconds late, the hitbox is broken, the maps are boring and are just mirror maps, meaning they're the same from both sides, the dialogue is terrible, and I've never played an NA version of a game with English dialogue and voice acting far worse than the Russian dialogue and voice acting. The graphics are nothing even on the highest settings, the music in the backgound is abysmal. The game's still in beta but if they don't fix this, I can say that this game will be far, faaaar worse than Combat Arms, Crossfire, Sudden Attack, or any other shitty reskin. Can't say I had high expectations to begin with. I can already tell that when it comes out it will be under the shadow of Blacklight Retribution, WarFace, and Global Offensive.

Razor 12 years ago
The netcode is terrible. This is the poor man's Call of Duty.

AC 12 years ago
I love game :D

sddd 12 years ago

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sdfsdfd 12 years ago
if i had a coin for evry crapy mmofps game that is a clone of CS/CoD, then i would be rich

Kami 12 years ago
not bad, I shall try it :3

jman 12 years ago
Webzen is a horrible company. Every other game they have there are bugs and glitches and they do nothing to fix it. They just keep put cash shop event. Horrible company

Robin S 12 years ago
The sad thing is that he goes on about the classic COD4 feel, It came out in 2007(5 years ago) sorry that's not classic I maintain that games are the same as cars when it comes to classic status. A car is a classic after 20 years and so is a game. There is no such thing as a classic COD game.

IHateMMOs 12 years ago
Yeaaah, thanks, but no thanks, I'll stick to Blacklight Retribution, Tribes Ascend, Planetside 2, Warface and Ghost Recon Online. At least they have some innovation, unlike this crap.

DreamHackr 12 years ago
At least its not another CS clone.

TheGamer 12 years ago
Okay, another CoD copy, that copied CS, that copied something else.I wish somebody make a Unreal Tournament like FPS...Or a new genre at least.Iam receiving a vision about this game!!Yes!I see golden cash shop weapons!Zombie mode!Good guys and Bad guys!Somebody planting a bomb!C'mon, at least create a new game mode that is innovative.Iam tired of running around defusing bombs...

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chefmadness 12 years ago
Sorry my keyboard needs new batts. lol.

chefmadnass 12 years ago
They really need to make a FPS MORPG Borderlands but online! With all the skills & powers I don't know why the gaming world has not done thin yet.

zoren 12 years ago
MMOBOMB you love me give me a key too

Siivet 12 years ago
Dunno, seems like AVA with another skin ,just saying !

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Ferritin 12 years ago
Anyone has extra beta key for me?

caleb 12 years ago
Good game, hopefully it has a bright future.

jonathansty 12 years ago
Notice the letters when he says search and destroy. It doesn't say "destroy" in the game but "search and destory"!!!
I think it's important to give that so the dev's can change it in the game :p

zenomex 12 years ago
'Another fps'
'Another moba'
'Another mmorpg'

I think it's time for a new genre.

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Makar 12 years ago
Point Blanc is OK, no need in F2P fps anymore

Desert Fox 12 years ago
No killstreaks=just another fps

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lilfighter 12 years ago
I don`t care, I want the free2play Battlefield 3!

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