ArcheAge - First Look Video

ArcheAge is a hybrid sandbox MMORPG developed by XLGames. In ArcheAge players can forge their own path filled with non instanced farming, building, crafting, open sea adventures, PvP and more. ArcheAge features no classes, instead players may freely combine several skillsets to create one of 120 class combinations.

To find more about ArcheAge check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (28)

LiKeStOmISpRoNoUnCe 10 years ago
This ^^

Nooo 10 years ago
Spunkify sucks at reading.

Ryan 10 years ago
Lol well PSO2 wasn't available yet in the west but there is an English version out in SEA, but let's see how that turns out 1st and see if it is P2W or not. It's going for full release at 29th of May and skipping Open Beta somehow.

gw2 10 years ago
don't like p2p "free games" simple solution: BUY a game, to play free foreve, like GW2 for example. ANY "f2p" game will be PAY TO WIN, otherwise the company would get broke.

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Naomi 10 years ago
This game was a disappointment. Shitty game

wootz91 10 years ago
For me tab target games are still the best. Even if "action" combat is fun for a while its no real action for me. They should make a mmorpg with a fighting system like Devil May Cry, that I would call "action".

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Donald 10 years ago
I'm pretty surprised tab target games are still so popular.

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doubletriple 10 years ago
well, a game failed miserably and horribly in Russia, so calm your tits.

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ZhaoYun 10 years ago
cant wait to play this game it looks awesome gameplay wise i am pretty sure theres gonna be "oh wow its tab target?i am out" kinda comments but it shouldnt matter a game inst JUST its combat

GreensDragon 10 years ago
Thanks for the "first" look! was really enjoyable! really looking forward to try out AA

wootz91 10 years ago
What makes this game sandbox? For me it looks like any other normal mmorpg.

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ZombieMarkTwain 10 years ago
I'm really excited that the idea of "Sandbox" MMOs are becoming a thing. I really hope that they're successful and I'm really looking forward to ArcheAge! Thanks for a good first look.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand MOUNTED

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