APB Reloaded First Look Video

APB Reloaded (All Points Bulletin) is a free to play 3D massively multiplayer online third-person shooter game (MMOTPS) based in the modern-day fictional city of San Paro featuring two factions, Law Enforcement who take on the challenge of supporting and safeguarding justice, or as Gangs, who operate against the law and any opposing groups by any means necessary.

Find more about APB Reloaded at: https://www.mmobomb.com/review/apb-reloaded and don´t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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Discussion (13)

KiX 13 years ago
This is like GTA online

13 years ago
i downloaded this games installed it and crated a charicter and ill get to the thing where u have to pick a spawn point and ill get a error every time.am i the only one with this problem?

j0v8008 13 years ago
Where can I get this game? I can't find it anywhere.

furlanzinmmo 13 years ago
I got some problems.. Arent we just gonna go through that Queue thing 1 time? cuz i have to go through that thing everytime i am about to play the game. And i am talking about waiting in 1 hour.

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bmga7n76 13 years ago
This guy and his voice can make even the most awesome game tedious.

steuck 13 years ago
Anybody else realize that this player is terrible at videogames?

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Tio Z 13 years ago
Okay...HUGE mistake at around 7:20:
Missions are not always 2 part when you don't get an APB against you, they can be 3, 4, 5 parts, depend on group size.
When you get an APB it is NOT 3 part. It can go up to 9 part missions, maybe more perhaps, but thats the most I've ever to do.

Around 10:00 another err:
-You don't get "3 tries". Until timer runs out or objective is done, you can keep on trying.
-If you didn't have grenades it's because you didn't check your mail. You get a field supplier and grenades as you start the game.

At 12:30:
- You could've shown how you can see the car being repared. Its very interesting.

And you could've shown since you were talking about commands that you can change the side of camera pressing default key V so you can see to the left of the character. It switches the viewside.

Also, although you can't shoot through cement and other sturdier materials, you can shoot through most wood objects with high caliber weapons and you can shoot through railings and other spaces inbetween sturdy structures.

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deltron3o3o 13 years ago

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