An awesome cinematic...and the incredible downfall of an MMORPG that got all it could ever want and more.
We've partnered up with ArenaNet to score an AWESOME giveaway for our listeners as End of Dragons approaches in Guild Wars 2! While on the topic, we'll look at the recently announced endgame changes and the possible future of fractals and NCSoft's lackluster 4th quarter. After that, we REALLY get into a crazy story as we catch you up on how one person caused TitanReach to blow their chance at making their dream game! All that and more on this week's Always Online!
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Discussion Timestamps:
00:00 Show Intro
03:24 Guild Wars 2 Endgame Changes and a SWEET Giveaway
27:28 The Fiasco of TitanReach
40:49 Quick Hit News (Swords of Legends Online FFXIV, and Bloodhunt)
52:30 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb) / Question of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover. Always Online (formerly the Free-To-Play Cast) is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about multiplayer online games. Always Online takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
An awesome cinematic...and the incredible downfall of an MMORPG that got all it could ever want and more.
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
Let's give you a quick peek at what Marvel Rivals has in store. First Look coming at launch!
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
From the fractal player perspective the mystic coin nerf is more of the straw that broke the camels back than the core reason fractal players are upset. The lack of new fractals, the abandonment of other instanced pve content, the build template fiasco, and other smaller changes that you probably haven't heard of (like Anet removing pre-casting) have all chipped away at pve endgame players' trust of Anet over the years so they are all pretty on edge right now. Any change to fractals that give players less reason to play them is going to be seen as Anet trying to kill what's left of instanced pve content regardless of if it's good for the game or not.
I wouldn't count fractals out though for a simple reason, they are still the best gold per hour in Gw2 and they have been the best gold per hour for years. If anything they could use another rewards nerf because they pull players away from dungeons and raids because fractal rewards are that much better than anything else in the game. What this change might hurt is fractal CM (hard mode) players but Anet could just move some rewards from base fractals to CMs or just give CMs something else. I doubt Anet would nerf base fractal rewards right now though given how jumpy players are about it.
Now I'm sure your next question is why not just add some mystic coins back to fractal CMs? This ignores something really important about mystic coins. The role of mystic coins in Gw2's economy is to give casual players something valuable to sell to hardcore players which is why most of the coins come from login rewards. Hard core content being the best way to farm them was a problem as it gave some hardcore players a way to skip buying them from other players. By moving mystic coins from fractal CMs to strikes it should help both casual and hardcore players because it should drive the cost of the coins down as more people can farm for them but more of that farming is being done by casual players so they still serve the role of moving money from hard core to casuals.
Another benefit of strikes is they reuse the story bosses and give a clear path to new and returning players into the end game content so more of them may graduate into core and hard core players. The dirty truth about Gw2 is that is does get enough new players to keep a healthy player base but most either quit or stay casual players so the ranks of the hardcore players continue to shrink. This is the real reason why Gw2 does get enough new end game content. That content just doesn't bring back the numbers that new story content does so Anet can't really focus on it (which again is why reusing story bosses is a needed move).
Oh and if you are worried about strikes being 10 man, don't be. An Anet dev confirmed that average Gw2 players deal 2k to 3k dps while skilled players deal 20k to 30k in the open world events so I would be surprised if skilled players weren't 3 manning the normal mode strikes within a week so you should be able to clear normal mode with 5. Strike CMs might be a different story though.
P.S. If I do win the drawing give the expansion code to maestruli as I've already purchased EoDs. I do want the swag though. That head set looks so cool.
Does "mounted" count as a comment? If it doesn't Da Bomb to free stuff.
If not EoD as its not released yet. I would say FFXIV:Endwalker. Like I don't even need to explain why. People literally waited in queue to play the game and still had a blast, their servers well full all around the day because people were just flocking over to play. Hell they even had to turn off their free trial because there was no way it can handle all the new people coming to try the game. The trial is gonna be back up now, after months. Nuff said.
QoTW: For me personally, I would say Mist of Pandaria will always be my favorite. It added probably my favorite location and favorite class that I played all the way from MoP til I finally quit in shadowlands. I know a lot of people wrote it off because "lol pandas" but genuinely it's such a fun expansion to look back at all the features and stuff too.
Especially from raiding Ulduar with friends and my brother.
Honorable mentions: FFXIV Shadowbringers, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire
Thanks for the podcast guys!
This is a hard one, if Monster Hunter World was an MMO I would say Iceborn and be done with it. But it isn't.
So I am between WOW The Burning Legion and Wrath of the Lich King.
Both had fantastic new overworld regions though I much preferred Outland.
TBC gave us Dreanai and Bloodelfs which was great. In WOTLK Blizzard gave us poop also known as Deathknights.
TBC had better Dungeons overall but WOTLK had Ulduar which blew every other Raid Dungeon out of the water.
I think I will give it to TBC at the end. It was all around better.
Btw. I ofc only participate once in the giveaway.
I will make a second post because I don't know the QOTW yet. Wish you would write it in the comments or the Dublidu
A and Da Bomb at once.
Where I live 2 trains crashed. On the track I go to work.
If I was working right now that is since I am still at home.
So the A-Bomb is the train crash, one person died and many got injured.
But Da-Bomb: luckily it does not affect me that much. Or at all. The Trains are still on there so for days there are no trains running in my region. It would have been pretty annoying to deal with if I was actively working right now. And btw if you are asking if I would had been on the train if I was working. No. The crash happened outside of the time where I usually take it. Still, knowing something like that happens so close to home kinda hits you. On the other cars are still more dangerous.
Oh god i hope i remember right it was so long ago and there has been so many... For me it would be Lineage2 Interlude. Who would not love when your MMO gets brand new zone full of dinosaurs. It was like breath of fresh air for Lineage2 not only island full of dinosaurs but new skills and mechanics etc which most people i know and on internet overall says that best Lineage2 expansion is Interlude. Sadly most people will agree that from that expansion Lineage2 slowly went downhill.
Time for excuses... sadly for me Jasons streams are pretty late. I had to get up next morning and next few days really early, about 2/3AM. So i went sleep, to get rest, even before his streams... and after that i got sick and that's why i was not at your last two Always Online Podcast streams. I feel better now, so wait me next Friday :)