Who doesn't want aerial dragon dogfighting?
Sometimes the news just writes itself...like the case of Ark Survival Evolved going after Myth of Empires for copyright violations and New World having server issues on server merge day. On top of that, we'll talk about NFTs in gaming, The Game Awards, and review Century: Age of Ashes, the flight PvP game where you are on the back of a dragon! All that and more on this week's Always Online!
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Discussion Timestamps:
00:00 Show Intro
03:22 Can't Make This Stuff Up (Myth of Empires, New World, and NFTs)
23:15 Game Awards
33:29 Century: Age of Ashes First Look Review
40:44 Weekly Bombs (DA-Bomb / A-Bomb) / Question of the Week
If you have submissions for the show's Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com. You can also be a guest in the show, just send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover. Always Online (formerly the Free-To-Play Cast) is the official podcast (and videocast) of MMOBomb.com about multiplayer online games. Always Online takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinion, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
Who doesn't want aerial dragon dogfighting?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
Did it really need to be a sequel? Let's find out!
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
NFTs and blockchains are just another new technology being over-hyped by idiots including c-suite idiots who don't understand what it's actually good for and just want to make a quick buck. We are in the hype phase before the bubble burst and after that burst is when the use cases with real value will emerge.
In gaming think NFTs and blockchains have far more value as internal systems than as something a player sees. For example let's say every item in an mmo was an NFT with where and how it was first created was recorded as part of the NFT's info and all trades of those items are recorded in a blockchain. If something stupid happened like a QA tester leaving a spawn of a very valuable raid drop randomly on the ground in a build of the game causing hundreds of the item to flood the market instead of having to do a full rollback the devs could just look at the blockchain to track the items that came from that spawn and undo just the transactions related to the bug. If you are wondering why I have such a stupidly specific example it's because that bug actually happened in OSRS causing one of the few rollbacks in the games history.
Reversing stuff like that example, stopping item dups by making items untradable if multiple items claim to have the same NFT id, and tracking and reversing real world trading are the kinds of use cases I think will become common in the industry because it makes the lives of the devs and support staff a little bit easier.
Gaming is about fun.
Adults can blow their life saving when they want too
but a reality is that's Gambling and GAMBLING DOES NOT GO!
Here we are with companies pushing= shoving and trying to bate us game players into this corrupt gamble.
Its corrupt because you have your bottom runners already in place the people who came up with the in game idea. the 1st investors, the greedy executives who want nothing but more money. These devs and their corruptors go about using you to buy in and hope it goes up, where THEY make the sell off! Its GAMBLING with a white collor loopholes called under the table deals & insider nft or blockchain trading with no rules to deals done before the kick off, so THEY are the winners NOT YOU.
Do not play gambling games
Gambling is for people with money to burn,
gambling can lead to being homeless, jobless, and worthless.
Stay playing and creating games for fun
Leave the gambling to those who THINK they can win even though they lose.