Aion First Look Video

Aion is a visually stunning MMORPG where your character wields devastating powers and sweeping wings to explore a celestial world of breath-taking beauty and epic adventure. Your character plays a pivotal role in the fate of Atreia, where the enemy is not only the other player faction but a deadly ancient evil as well.

To find more about Aion check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (33)

Arr0w2theknee 12 years ago
I was going to play this game, but then you took an arrow to the knee.

Kr4n3ly 12 years ago
Any ideas as to why I might not be able to actually load the website? I have this problem with other websites too, it is odd.

IronicNova 12 years ago
Hey Magic i have a quick question "What server are you playing on and what is your Character name?" I just got in to Aion and i need some guiders if you wouldn't mind.
Thank you somuch and Hope to see you in the server :)

Vladimir 13 years ago
could someone please link the site?

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xXHellBladeXx 13 years ago
Guys, this Aion NA free model is global?Like other country gamers can play?

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Dizzyjay 13 years ago
Anyone playing can add me if you want, I am on Zikel, Asmodian side, IGN: Mirko, level 23 chanter currently.

Have fun~~~~

zodiamc 13 years ago
"hot keys on the keyboard...i have no idea what that means" <-- you nearly killed me off here xD couldnt stop laughin :D

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DragoonisMystic 13 years ago
Also Magicman I have been seeing alot of your first looks on here as well as some other sites too . Keep up that excellent job ,your doing just fine .And btw we all get and arrow or two somewhere at one time or the other ,but my characters at the Queen Pin Pillows to attract them to them . LOL . 10 Thumbs up to all who are keeping us here in touch with the Games and News of them ,as well as letting us see u play them too so we can get a taste of what it's going to be like . ;-)

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DragoonisMystic 13 years ago
Ok I'm going to do my best in finally getting my pc working again. Can't wait to get into the action with a female char and yes I'm femalle too a older one who just loves MMO & MMORPG.Hope to see u in the game at lease some of u .;-)

Dakio 13 years ago
I am strating a Cleric on Israphel Server (Dastian), If someone wants to join feel free to call =)

jay 13 years ago
fyi for the million people that don't know how to pronounce this game correctly it is

eye-on not aye-on

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TheGamer 13 years ago
Hey,i have a question:This aion f2p model in NA will be global?I mean, the NA version of the game will be global?

Magicman 13 years ago
Hi Gang!
SO there is a ton of confusion here because NCSoft is following different models so I felt it might be wise for me to put ALL the information together here for everyone.

1) The Europe free to play Aion is out and yes it does have some restrictions. THis is because that is managed by Gameforge. Restrictions and details can be found here:

2) THe North American free to play version will follow the "Truly Free to Play" model that Lineage 2 does. From the NCSoft site:

"What are the benefits of Truly Free?
The Aion Truly Free experience combines the best parts of the
Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction™ Truly Free model with numerous enhancements.

Here are some of the key features of Aion Truly Free:
No subscription fee. Play for free!
No account restrictions. Visit any zone, chat in any channel, sell any amount of stuff on the trade broker—nothing is off limits!
Robust countermeasures to combat game abuse. We're dedicating a ton of resources to preventing account theft, botting, and real money trading.
No hassles. Create your account, download the game, and play!
No harassment. Don't worry, we won't hound you with constant offers or promotions.
A lot of great stuff we'll reveal more about leading up to launch!"

More Details here:

3) Do NOT confuse the "Free Trial" access that you can currently play in North America with the Free to Play conversion. There ARE limitations on the trial but it gives you a chance to get ahead of leveling before the free to play conversion is complete.

Hope this clears the air a bit!

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Dizzyjay 13 years ago
Ah I see so those chat restrictions and stuff, are only for right now? but not for when it officially goes free to play? hhhhmmm, I ll let my friend know, they might get excited over this, and I guess I ll stick with it, and you can add me IGN: Mirko.

Btw Magicman, I think I am one of those people that spends hours and hours in character creation. Dam my obsession, but perfection takes time. XD

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Forgott3n 13 years ago
Magickman u did great first look aion video.. Untill u got an arrow into your chest!

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xzylon3 13 years ago

JASHWANTH 13 years ago

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