10 Things New World Needs To Improve ASAP - MMO Thoughts

We're now a few weeks in so here comes Noobfridge with 10 things that New World needs to change or improve ASAP to retain its players. Some are obvious, but unless you've been playing for a while some may not be so obvious.

He certainly doesn't need our help promoting him, but we're big fans of Josh Strife Hayes and the least we can do for our little homage to his content today is provide the link to his channel :)

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Discussion (3)

niizzy 3 years ago
The only thing they need to improve, and by "improve" I mean REMOVE from the game, is the auto ban from reports. Got 2 24h ban right before a war because of false mass reports from enemy faction to remove the competion.

Thing is insane. Amazon goes to space and can't manage a single MMO. An auto ban easily abusable shouldn't even exist in the first place.

Flintstone 3 years ago
Great info, the thing i was going say you did right at the end..the pinky. lol cheers that was cool.
my grief is what I call the mining jump which can be crucial if your in competition with another runner. as you jump they hit or as they jump you hit .:)

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