If you missed out on Classic’s original launch, they’re doing it again.
If you missed out on Classic’s original launch, they’re doing it again.
Level to 60, earn new dungeon rewards, and more.
Then you can start the climb to 60.
There’s something for the PvEers and the PvPers.
It's bound to be somebody's first time, so here's the list.
Try out WoW Classic for free.
The great player uprising! Here's how we've affected and changed MMOs.
The patch introduces a changed landscape and new races.
There’s still some Dragonflight wrap-up to take care of first.
Over 4.5 Million characters created.
The WoW Classic Variety Show is coming.
Season of Discovery is live now in WoW Classic.
Mark your calendars.
Is this the Classic Plus y'all were hoping for? I see why now.
Hearthstone, Overwatch 2, and WoW Classic got love too.
The final major raid in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion opening soon.
Your weekly preview of all things WoW.
Are you ready for Hardcore?
Get ready to go hardcore.
Unless they’d like some disconnects mid-combat.
Prepare to die, but try not to.
The Argent Tournament is coming.
Blizzard announced the WoW Classic hardcore mode over the weekend.
Open Death Knight creation just makes it too easy for people to start exploiting the game.
The system reportedly requires that approximately 5% of employees get a low ranking.
Ulduar received a lot of love.
"We have received a lot of feedback this year, and our teams are always listening."
Relive or experience the dangerous across the icy continent of Northrend.
Hopefully, this is the first commission of many for longtime WoW fan creator Hurricane.
While certainly a stretch and a gamble on Blizzard's end, could Cataclysm launch as a different expansion?