Nexon strikes again.
Nexon strikes again.
You'll be getting some of your money back.
Oddly enough, he doesn't use a hatchet.
Noobfridge is sad to see it go.
A new 12v12 deathmatch is on its way too.
Turns out that when you rush things, they usually don't turn out well...imagine that.
It’s time for everyone to meet the Bard.
Metzen is back in charge, Pantheon has a big change, and Epic lays off hundreds.
Sword and board, hammers, spells, dragons...and yeah, tanks...because why not?
I mean...if a deal like that ever actually happened...would it be a good thing?
Are you going to be getting some money back from Epic Games?
You have a sword, but no bow...and no axe.
Players will progress on a map by expanding territory, moving their carriage avatars toward rewards.
It's not what you expect.
Have you tried to jump into older MMOs to check them out and just left feeling overwhelmed?
Here's where and what you'll be playing in Early Access.
There's a lot on the multiplayer front that you can try out right now!
Demos and trials galore. Here's a few worth checking out!
It's certainly one game we're keeping an interested eye on, how about you?
Warhaven looks fun, but when can we expect to play it?
Nexon gained a ton of player data that will contribute to future improvements.
For those who requested access, you can jump in later.
Formerly "Project HP", Nexon has finally unveiled more official news on the project.