The 1v6 mode will offer a new experience for players.
The 1v6 mode will offer a new experience for players.
Held captive by the Family, Maria Flores has learned some things.
Stop ruining the game for others!
There's a 50% discount for the game right now thanks to Steam's Spring Sale.
It releases later this month.
The previous co-developer, Sumo Nottingham, has moved on from the project.
The team will be working with the new developer to transition the game.
Game duration extension, stealth tactic promotion, spawn cooldowns, ability alterations, and more.
No more stutter or FPS drops, plus voice chat and progression fixes, as well as more.
Everything's bigger in Texas.
It plays like Dead by Daylight, but you're Leatherface.
Gun Interactive previously shut down its other horror game due to licensing issues.
Get a look at the family in action.
Gun Interactive say it's possible to get the rights for the others though, depending on the hype.
You can be one of the first to play and even stream the upcoming title come May 25.
You won't have to wait too much longer to put on your... leather face.
There's a lot of respect for the source material going around, but will it become a good game?
Did you like Friday the 13th? You'll probably like this, too!