After getting into it last year, I've drifted away from The Cycle, Yager Development's PvPvE competitive quest shooter.
After getting into it last year, I've drifted away from The Cycle, Yager Development's PvPvE competitive quest shooter.
What started in February with game developers in China has since spread to the U.S.
The Cycle, Studio Yager's free-to-play, battle royale-ish, game is now playable on the Epic Games Store.
YAGER's PvE/PvP hybrid battle royale-ish The Cycle is now accepting cash in exchange for bright and shiny Founder's Packs.
Weekly alpha playtests are on the way for The Cycle, Studio Yager's free-to-play quest-based battle royale game that we initially learned about last month.
While the news of Dreadnought's launch may have been good news for gamers, it wasn't good news for many employees at developer Six Foot.
Dreadnought just released on PlayStation 4 in November, so there's a lot of work to do to catch it up with PC players.
Update 1.9.5 for the open beta of Dreadnought has just gone live for PC players.
What's better than a giant spaceship battle?...
Making a free-to-play game is different from making a pay-to-play one and making a one-off game is different from a continuing, MMO-like "games as service" game.
Dreadnought is getting a new game mode this week, but only if you play on PlayStation 4.
If you're the type of person who plays games in closed beta for hundreds of hours, I commend you.
Interested in seeing how a new map in a PvP space shooter comes together?...
Grey Box continues to make changes to the core gameplay of Dreadnought.
BombLive is back, and what better way to welcome it back than with something truly huge -- in this case, the massive ships of Yager Studios' and Grey Box's Dreadnought?...
When a developer diary mentions "a bright-pink Heavy Dreadnought with a painting of a killer bunny on the hull" on April 1, my natural reaction is to be skeptical.
About a year and a half ago, Spunkify and I did what I swear was a BombLive for Deep Silver's Dead Island: Epidemic, the self-proclaimed "ZOMBA" (Zombie Battle Arena) by Deep Silver.
If giant spaceships and lots of lasers are your thing -- and really, why wouldn't they be?...
Even if you don't have much interest in the game, it's still a visual treat to watch video of Grey Box and YAGER Development's capital-ship slugfest Dreadnought.
Indie publisher Grey Box, in collaboration with Germany's Studio YAGER, has something big in store for 2015: Dreadnought, a F2P sci-fi, ship-to-ship combat game that pits teams of players against each other, piloting gigantic ...