Have you tried to jump into older MMOs to check them out and just left feeling overwhelmed?
Have you tried to jump into older MMOs to check them out and just left feeling overwhelmed?
A neat title won't get the chance to come out of open beta.
There's been no communication since February.
Those of you below Fame 900 will lose "a couple of hours of gameplay."
Since launching in open beta in April, the game is continuing strong.
You won't believe what some games think of themselves...
Punks in space and it's F2P...but it is deep enough?
Hop right in and test out the reworked gameplay and new features.
First the updates were talented, crafty, and friendly...now the team tackles early access gameplay feedback.
It improves the party system and the social UI.
Today marks the release of Space Punks' first real update and some important changes have been implemented.
Space Punks is currently in Early Access and you need to pay to get in, but at launch the game will be free-to-play so we're taking an early look at the looter shooter to to help you decide on if you'll shell out a little cash...
Space Punks, the far-out sci-fi ARPG from Flying Wild Hog and Jagex Partners, is now available in early access on the Epic Games Store.
Today, Jagex, along with developer Flying Wild Hog, announced their upcoming sci-fi looter-shooter Space Punks will be entering early access on Wednesday, July 14.
The collaboration between Jagex and Flying Wild Hog that we learned about last year now has a name and a teaser trailer video.