Could be related to another project, an "online team-based PvPvE third-person shooter based on a major comic license."
Could be related to another project, an "online team-based PvPvE third-person shooter based on a major comic license."
There are only a few days left in what future historians will refer to as “the teens,” in the same way that I referred to the years 1910 to 1919 as “the teens” when I was growing up and yes, that makes me feel old.
Tencent already has a piece of game developers Riot, Grinding Gear, and Epic, and probably also your local coffee shop, and now it's got a chunk of another.
We're midway through July, and I thought that would make for a perfect time to turn back the clock five years, all the way back to the halcyon days of 2014, when people were mad that Digital Extremes was about to be purchased,...
Remember when Sony Online Entertainment was purchased by Columbus Nova and rebranded Daybreak Game Company?...
What do you think when an upcoming game is announced as free-to-play?...
UPDATE, 3/8: Welp. Original article: Several news sites are reporting that H1Z1, Daybreak Games' battle royale title, has lost a huge chunk of its player base over the past several months.
Seven years is a long time in comics.
Dragon's Prophet is coming back!...
Oh, EverQuest Next, will you never cease to torment us?...
PlanetSide was already getting pretty long in the tooth when its sequel, PlanetSide 2, launched in late 2012, and going free-to-play in 2014 probably didn't do much to bolster its numbers. So today's news that Daybreak Game...
Friday's announcement that EverQuest Next would never see the light of day sent shockwaves through the gaming industry.
This past Saturday, PlanetSide 2 players rallied around an attempt to beat an almost three year old record.
By now, you're probably aware of what H1Z1 is: zombie survival post-apocalyptic PvP permadeath keyword keyword keyword.
Hero or villain?...
It has now been 24 hours since the early access for Sony Online Entertainment's (SOE) zombie survival game, H1Z1, has opened up.
Happy birthday, DC Universe Online!...
In a recent interview with Gamasutra, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) President, John Smedley, spoke out about the success and challenges present when taking a free-to-play game to the console market. With PlanetSide 2 ente...
As if coming up with character names in MMOs isn't already difficult sometimes, coming up with Superhero names can be even more difficult.
It's been a fun weekend to kickoff the new year for Sony Online Entertainment (SOE).
Today's a big day for Landmark.
PvP players in DC Universe Online have had the PvP Legends mode available for a while now.
Everquest 2 players with All Access memberships have been playing the Altar of Malice expansion already during their "head start" access but now us common plebs can get into the new content as Altar of Malice has moved into it...
If you've been waiting on the continuation of DC Universe Online's War of the Light content then you'll be happy to know that your wait is over.
I never spent a ton of time in the original Everquest so I figured we should revisit the classic MMORPG as it celebrates 15 years and its 21st expansion pack. To find more about Everquest check out the game page which in...
We heard about it over a year ago (yes, it's been that long!...
I love things like this.
Are you an All Access member with Sony Online Entertainment?...
Well, it's official.
Ten years is forever in MMO-land.