I've been wondering for a while just how Sony Online Entertainment is doing, from a financial standpoint.
I've been wondering for a while just how Sony Online Entertainment is doing, from a financial standpoint.
A new report today from SuperData puts numbers to something we always knew: that MMO populations decline significantly after the initial rush right after launch.
That seems to be the conclusion reached by industry analyst Michael Pachter...
Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) is no more, well at least under that name.
PS2 on PS4 is now officially official!...
Director of Development Dave Georgeson spoke to VentureBeat this week about the genesis of Landmark and how it sprang from a desire to include players in the development process for EverQuest Next. Landmark started as an id...
It's been delayed a few times -- what MMO isn't?...
If Santa's planning to make any visits to PlanetSide 2's engineers, he'd better watch out for turrets upon plopping down from out of the chimney. Today's PS2 update adds the Spitfire Turret to every engineer's arsenal, lett...
True to his word, Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley today spilled the beans on H1Z1's early access date and other sundry details.
The headline pretty much says it all, doesn't it?...
Fans of Oliver Queen finally have something to smile about in DCUO as the Green Arrow is introduced to the Legends PvP mode.
How is your favorite SOE title celebrating this spooky time of year?...
We all hate bugs.
SOE's got a new trailer video showcasing Landmark's just-implemented combat features, focusing on player-built PvP arena mayhem!...
The world of Landmark just got a whole lot more dangerous. The Combat patch went up late last night, and added death, weapons, armor, PvP, monsters, and more to SOE's sandbox builder.
The last time I went to SOE Live/Fan Faire, in 2011, PlanetSide 2 was all the hotness.
Cool classes and flashy combat only get you so far.
After a year of mostly silence, SOE finally opened up about EverQuest Next, and it looks and sounds better than ever.
SOE's got three games in the works right now (that we know of, at least).
"Landmark started out as a way to build Norrath together with fans", Director of Development Dave Georgeson told fans during the Landmark keynote speech Friday morning at SOE Live 2014.
After lots of teases and loads of "behind the scenes" talk and video -- the above trailer came out last August -- PlanetSide 2 finally has a new continent. The swamp continent of Hossin went live this morning, along with a ...
Sony Online Entertainment will soon be running the show alone for many of its games in Europe. As revealed today on the official SOE forums, SOE will migrate its EU game accounts for PlanetSide 2, DC Universe Online, and Ev...
Two servers enter.
“We're committed to making PlayStation the best destination for free-to-play games.” Those were the bold words spoken by Sony Computer Entertainment America President and CEO Shawn Layden during Sony's presentation at E...
Reddit regular John Smedley laid out a six-pronged approach to monetization for SOE's upcoming F2P zombie survival MMO.
SOE went back and forth a bit when their initial plan for subscriptions met with some fan resistance.
It had been hinted at for some time that Sony Online Entertainment was working on...
While everyone's ooh-ing and aah-ing over the next big thing in MMOs – whether that be EverQuest Next, The Elder Scrolls Online, WildStar, or something else – it's not hard to overlook a game that's been chugging along and pro...
EverQuest II's 10th expansion, Tears of Veeshan, introduces a new character class, the channeler, nine-new dungeons, more AA options, new, more flexible itemization, and a lot more.
It's no surprise to see a subscription game go free-to-play.