They may not become your new "main" MMO game, but each of these titles should be tried at least once before they disappear.
They may not become your new "main" MMO game, but each of these titles should be tried at least once before they disappear.
Or 4 that actually died and one that survived but isn’t going on any new adventures.
These NPCs are a cut above.
Here's the best music in the genre.
5 MMORPG games that seem to be forgotten by many.
If you're looking for an MMORPG game with a little more meat on the bones, this list should be for you.
If you're looking for deep storytelling, these are the MMORPG Games for you.
An ambitious contemporary title on release that stood out due to its concepts.
It’s time to take on the Cat God and Jack of the Lantern, once again.
Secret World Legends is turning four and, once again, the celebration is under way, including the fan-organized Megaversary.
Here's the latest group of polls for you to vote on to decide what was your favorite game of the last year -- or of all time!...
Here's the latest group of polls for you to vote on to decide what was your favorite game of the last year -- or of all time!...
Alright, Rift players, you can stop worrying (for the time being).
It seems that Secret World Legends' annual winter event Krampusnacht had a few issues over the New Year.
It's been a while since I've really had anything to write about Secret World Legends.
It looks like the time has finally come.
Secret World Legends' 3rd anniversary officially kicks off in two days, and Funcom has its usual series of events planned to kick off at that time.
If you missed out on the whole Moons of Madness ARG thing, now's the time to catch up -- and maybe even win a free copy of Moons of Madness for yourself while you're at it.
Funcom's Secret World universe spinoff Moons of Madness has officially released on PC and Console and the company is celebrating in the game that started it all with some freebies for players.
The Druids of Avalon have once again returned to Agartha in Secret World Legends to celebrate the Spring Equinox.
Funcom released its financials for Q4 2019, and while the quarterly and yearly numbers weren't spectacular, the developer has plenty of hope for the coming year -- especially if the Tencent buyout goes as planned. That's th...
Since the day of love is almost upon us, agents in Secret World Legends are going to show each other love the only way they know how -- by fighting. As of today, a Soulmate Machine is conveniently located in the Rosenbrawl,...
In the not-too-distant future, Funcom may be completely owned by Tencent.
Get ready to celebrate the holidays in your game of choice -- particularly if you're playing Minion Masters, Secret World Legends, or Neverwinter.
I told you Funcom would be kicking off Secret World Legends' Halloween (or Samhain) event sometime soon.
Tencent already has a piece of game developers Riot, Grinding Gear, and Epic, and probably also your local coffee shop, and now it's got a chunk of another.
Fall is here, and that means the Envoys of Avalaon have returned to Agartha in Secret World Legends.
Atlas Reactor is shutting down today.
It's been another year and Secret World Legends is still chugging along.