The devs plan to introduce permanent servers, cross-character asset sharing, and lots of optimizations.
The devs plan to introduce permanent servers, cross-character asset sharing, and lots of optimizations.
Activating the Visional Wheel results in random anomalies.
There's, of course, a few caveats.
Players want more variety and excitement in scenarios, and this is the way the team is delivering on that feedback.
The new system is just one of the many things included in the latest update.
“The Way of Winter” Scenario takes players to the snow-covered lands of Arkam.
The tool isn't just for bug reporting, though.
It should have been this way from the start, but the original 1 character limitation may have played a part.
The team's first post on the topic ahead of launch left players confused about what carries over.
The team is under fire for both performance issues and what the privacy policy contains.
Find out everything you need to know about the game via the pre-launch FAQ.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it all breaks down, though.
That's a lot of folks.
For better, or for worse!
While some are sure to get delays, these are the 22 MMOs we have to look forward to in 2024.