Well, the PC version anyway.
Well, the PC version anyway.
The deal is expected to close in June.
The Explorer Björn can be found in the game’s shop as of today.
The pass includes 20% more Season Points for completing challenges.
The festivities kick off today and sill last throughout the month.
Explore the wasteland with Rin, a lady with a love for explode-y things.
Scavengers has been in early access for a few months now, but the game itself has had a few challenges along the way.
Respawning is often a contentious topic in battle royales and battle-royale-like games.
The apocalypse has come for Scavengers -- or at least Scavengers accounts.
As to be expected for a game in early access, Scavengers has had its ups and downs.
Midwinter Entertainment's Scavengers is in the midst of its open beta/early access, and as is usually the case when a developer invites thousands of people to try its game out, it finds that there are things that need work.
What could end up as a pretty decent PvEvP/Battle Royal-esque experience, falters a bit as Early Access starts with some pretty limited options and a very linear progression system.
So, here's your obligatory reminder to check your email if you signed up on the Scavengers site for early access or, perhaps, participated in one of the betas.
Midwinter Entertainment will be opening up the wide world of Scavengers to everyone next week.
Back in March, Midwinter Entertainment informed players that when they next brought the Scavengers servers up, they intended to leave them up, effectively rolling everyone into Early Access.
Midwinter Entertainment and Improbable keep plugging away on their PvEvP shooting game Scavengers and while we haven't been able to share much about our time in the game due to non-disclosure agreements, that could be changing...
Free-to-play survival shooter Scavengers is still in beta, but the team at Midwinter Entertainment decided to cast back the curtain a bit for everyone this weekend, with a post on its site profiling the Explorers you'd be able...
Midwinter Entertainment's competitive survival FPS Scavengers is now taking applications for its PC closed beta test.
There's another playtest coming up this week for free-to-play survival MMO Scavengers, and its developers want you to join in all the snowy, murderous fun.
So Scavengers was just brought to my attention and while it looks interesting, I wonder if it has a chance in today's crowded market.
Get ready to spend some time this weekend fighting for survival in the Scavengers playtest weekend.