Now that we've covered the free-to-play gaming news you totally saw coming, it's time to take a look at the surprises from 2018.
Now that we've covered the free-to-play gaming news you totally saw coming, it's time to take a look at the surprises from 2018.
If you were wondering what was going to happen to all of Gazillion's assets...
When last we checked in on the slow death of Gazillion Entertainment, the former Marvel Heroes studio was scheduled for a day in court on Feb.
Someone's trying to revive Marvel Heroes.
When Gazillion went under late last year, one reason given for why its employees didn't get their benefits was that the Marvel Heroes developer was facing bankruptcy claims and that its creditors would get paid first.
It's been a short while since Marvel Heroes was pulled from the Microsoft Store back in November.
What a wild and wacky 2017 it's been!...
We'll probably be seeing lots about Gazillion's and Marvel Heroes' abrupt shutdown over the next few weeks, much of it coming from former employees who are now free to talk about the experience with whomever they like. One ...
We hope you were like our Troy "Noobfridge" Blackburn, and got your final Marvel Heroes fix while you could.
Marvel Heroes may be closing, but that doesn't mean its players are going to go down without a fight...
Update: Gazillion has posted a message on the Marvel Heroes forums giving a shutdown date of Dec.
Hey everyone, I know it's Monday, but things aren't going too badly, are they?...
According to his Wikipedia entry, Black Bolt "triggers a massive disturbance in the form of a highly destructive shockwave capable of leveling a city" merely by speaking.
There's a lot happening today for Marvel Heroes fans on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Yesterday, a post was made on the Marvel Heroes forums announcing that after July 1, no players would be able to purchase certain Fantastic 4 characters: Mr.
Whether it's form-fitting spandex, a suit of high-tech armor, or just the tattered remains of pants, clothes make the superhero.
We're (mostly) all adults here, right?...
Marvel Heroes Omega - which is currently in Open Beta on PlayStation 4 -- will launch on both it and Xbox One on June 30.
Gazillion's console version of Marvel Heroes, Marvel Heroes Omega, has a lot going on all of a sudden.
Today, Gazillion posted a Q&A on the upcoming launch of the Marvel Heroes Omega beta for PlayStation 4.
Marvel Heroes' "Biggest Update Ever" just got bigger.
Late last year, I questioned whether big MMO updates were really worth it.
Change is brewing on Marvel Heroes' Test Center server.
Gazillion has a pair of new additions ready to roll into Marvel Heroes.
Gazillion's been pushing the hype train into overdrive the past few days, pumping up the "Biggest Update Ever" for Marvel Heroes.
Since the dawn of time, RPGs have used something akin to real-life “rules” when it comes to loot acquisition: if you kill something or someone, you can take stuff from their corpses.
Forget Thanksgiving -- Black Friday is the real holiday that people are looking forward to this week.
Reddit sleuths have uncovered a tantalizing bit of code in Marvel Heroes that references the PlayStation.
Gazillion's got something huge brewing for Marvel Heroes.
Steam's annual Summer Sale is officially under way and now that Valve's had a day to wait for its servers to level out, we've decided to take a look at what it has to offer this time around.