The videos follow a showcase held a couple of weeks ago.
The videos follow a showcase held a couple of weeks ago.
NCSoft has filed an intellectual property infringement suit against Webzen, claiming that Webzen's R2M game is a copy of NCSoft's mega-successful Lineage M mobile game.
NCSoft has released its Q1 2020 financial results, and things are looking up for its PC games while looking down for mobile.
How much have you spent on your favorite free-to-play game (using the term "free" loosely here)?...
NCSoft has released its third-quarter financial results for 2020, and it was a good quarter for mobile games (no surprise) and PC games (surprise!...
NCSoft has released its financials for Q1 2020, a period spanning January, February, and March of this year.
Usually, the fourth quarter of a year, which includes the Holiday Season, sees a bump in sales for corporations.
NCSoft released its Q3 2018 financial report late this week, and it's a pretty quiet one.
The Q2 2018 financial statement for NCSoft is out in the wild, and it reveals ...
We've heard of CEOs, CFOs, and COOs, but I can't say I've ever heard of a CDO.
NCSoft released its financial statement for the first quarter of 2018 today.
It's amazing what an expansion can do for a game's financial outlook.
Insider trading of stock in video game companies is nothing new.
Remember when Duke Nukem Forever was delayed time and time again, leading fans to dub it "Duke Nukem Whenever"?...
To be honest, the last few NCSoft financial reports haven't revealed anything all too earth-shattering.