If you end up switching devices for Season 1, all your progress will carry over from the Preseason.
If you end up switching devices for Season 1, all your progress will carry over from the Preseason.
A in-game launch event will reward players with a Spike kart and license plate for logging in for seven days.
Nexon released its Q3 2020 financial statement earlier today, and while it's not quite as effusive as previous installments, it was still good news (almost) all around for the developer.
It may sound like a cliche by now, but Nexon is once again touting its latest financial quarter as a "record." This time, the company is touting "Record Q2 Revenue," totaling 64.5 million Japanese yen (JPY), or about $610 mill...
Nexon's KartRider: Drift is just about ready for its closed beta test, which kicks off tonight.
It's taken a little while to get there -- about six months -- but Kartrider Drift is ready for another round of closed beta testing.
Nexon had a "record-breaking quarter in Korea" through the first three months of 2020, again showing that whatever issues many segments of society are having with the COVID-19 situation, the video game industry seems to be doi...
Nexon reported its "Highest Ever Q4 Revenue in Korea" in its most recent financial report to investors, thanks in large part to MapleStory, MapleStory M, and FIFA Online 4.
Nexon and Vivox have teamed up to bring voice chat to the cross-platform multiplayer racing game KartRider: Drift.
The closed beta test for Nexon's KartRider: Drift is now underway, so lucky players who've managed to snag a beta code for PC or Xbox One can get in on the action starting now and running the whole weekend.
After shutting down nearly everywhere but South Korea and China some time back, Nexon's KartRider is returning to the West.