19 months after leaving Daybreak Game Company and just a month after shuttering the doors of his indie startup Pixelmage Games, John Smedley has found new employment. Smedley will head up the San Diego office of Amazon Game...
19 months after leaving Daybreak Game Company and just a month after shuttering the doors of his indie startup Pixelmage Games, John Smedley has found new employment. Smedley will head up the San Diego office of Amazon Game...
Now that he's not bound by a PR department and can say what he wants, former SOE/Daybreak and current Pixelmage Games CEO John Smedley can tell everyone what he really thinks about free-to-play and microtransactions.
The mystery has finally been solved; we finally know what John Smedley -- best known for his work with free-to-play games like EverQuest and H1Z1 -- has been up to since leaving Daybreak Games.
I'm not normally in the habit of writing news articles an hour before midnight, but this one seems significant enough to break that trend.
If you've enjoyed Daybreak Game Company President John Smedley's social media accounts for its game updates, industry insights, and the occasional rant...
Daybreak Game Company President John Smedley has gone back to Reddit for a long post on what he envisions for the future of H1Z1. The only item with any specific time frame mentioned is the addition of professions, which Sm...
You have to admit, Daybreak Game Company President John Smedley does like to do things differently from time to time. The fight against cheaters and hackers has been going on in H1Z1 since its early access launch, with DBC...
John Smedley's got a lot to say about PlanetSide 2's future, and he expounded on all the major points on a Reddit post Thursday afternoon. The plan is simple - We are going to be taking Planetside 2 to where it needs to be ...
Daybreak Game Company's chief executives, President John Smedley and Senior VP of Global Sales and Marketing Laura Naviaux chatted with GamesIndustry earlier this week as part of the company's focus on its rebranding, which in...
That seems to be the conclusion reached by industry analyst Michael Pachter...
True to his word, Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley today spilled the beans on H1Z1's early access date and other sundry details.
The headline pretty much says it all, doesn't it?...
Reddit regular John Smedley laid out a six-pronged approach to monetization for SOE's upcoming F2P zombie survival MMO.
It had been hinted at for some time that Sony Online Entertainment was working on...