So...is Guild Wars 3 a thing or not and what's up with that League of Legends MMO?
So...is Guild Wars 3 a thing or not and what's up with that League of Legends MMO?
Fast movement and faster blades.
The "totally not a fire sale" of Embracer properties continues.
A blunderbuss, a grappling hook, and traps. This guy is going to be a problem.
Defeat the invasion and earn the Siegebreaker Griffon mount.
Beta signups are open for Gigantic: Rampage Edition
Stop supernatural forces from taking possession of the Transmuter.
Is there a chance in hell EA doesn't mess up monetization for the new Sims game?
Introducing "Borderlands EchoVision Live," a novel interactive series.
Anniversary events are coming to Neverwinter.
Fans are going to get more content and possibly new titles.
The conversation will continue, just somewhere else.
Enter the Mirror of Mystery to save an old, trapped god.
The company was put under Gearbox's care after being purchased by Embracer Group.