Streamlined gameplay experiences impact combat's most complex and high-risk aspects.
Latest On Game Design Spotlight
Seek adventure, come across conflict, and choose your path.
Players unable to keep up with the rotating leagues could progress at their pace in this "extreme item scarcity" mode.
Waiting by the pier and riding a boat with other players further sells the experience.
"Players ARE the content."
Game Design Spotlight #20: How Playing Aggressively In Outriders Keeps You Alive In The Long Run
Stay pushing forward to survive what's to come.
This player-controlled feature blends nicely with the many familiar multiplayer elements players know well.
For better or worse, you will have to pick up weapons you love and hate to survive against all the odds.
The freeform player mechanic keeps matches feeling not-so-repetitive hours into playing.
Game Design Spotlight #16: Lost Ark's Cinematic Cutscenes Unveils Zone Depth While Staying Cohesive
The isometric perspective does more for the game's cutscenes and zones than you think.
Game Design Spotlight #15: The Intricacies Of Level Grinding Prep In FFXI Is Tediously Fulfilling
Eventually, the fruits of your labor will shine when it matters most.
Game Design Spotlight #14: Skill Gems In Path Of Exile Makes Player Experimentation Actually Fun
As someone who loves to try out different abilities, skill gems are very build-friendly.
Players won't be able to shake off the disquieting nature of Fortuna III.
Being green in the face has its benefits.
The weekend beta taught me to think through the chaos when swapping weapons and coordinating with teammates.
Using a preset color filter or fiddling with lighting shifts the dynamic of locations and models during gameplay.
Game Design Spotlight #8: LotRO's Subtle Approach To Quest Design Immerses Players Willing To Read
MMORPG players are used to hopping from quest to quest, but LotRO shines best in its quest logs.
While solid as it is, collecting these wispy currents over the zone is more of a mental checklist.
Blowing up adversaries and mowing them down with a gatling gun feels so satisfying.
An ambitious contemporary title on release that stood out due to its concepts.
Furnishing your home to your liking never felt so complicated.