Latest On E3 2014

E3 2014: Age of Wushu moving over to CryEngine 3

In a recent visit to the Snail Games booth at this year's E3, MMOBomb discovers the studio's plans to revamp their flagship martial arts MMO Age of Wushu using CryEngine 3.

By Michael Dunaway -
E3 2014: BattleCry Hands-On

Bethesda’s first Free-to-Play game BattleCry was playable at this year’s E3 conference.

By Michael Dunaway -
E3 2014: Obsidian Unleashes Armored Warfare Roles Video

Obsidian Entertainment's looking to break into the tank-fighting arena with Armored Warfare, today giving us a video look at gameplay action and three types of tanks. The video highlights the recon, MBT, and artillery vehic...

By Michael Dunaway -
E3 2014: Dreadnought Cruising Onto PC In 2015

Indie publisher Grey Box, in collaboration with Germany's Studio YAGER, has something big in store for 2015: Dreadnought, a F2P sci-fi, ship-to-ship combat game that pits teams of players against each other, piloting gigantic ...

By Michael Dunaway -
E3 2014: Sony Commits To F2P For PS4

“We're committed to making PlayStation the best destination for free-to-play games.” Those were the bold words spoken by Sony Computer Entertainment America President and CEO Shawn Layden during Sony's presentation at E...

By Michael Dunaway -
