2018 has claimed its first MMO victim.
2018 has claimed its first MMO victim.
Today is Halloween, so it's fitting that we should talk about death -- specifically, the death of free-to-play games. No, not F2P gaming as a whole, which we've covered before, but the death of individual games.
Halloween celebrations are officially under way at Trion Worlds.
Love is in the air ...
Are you creative?...
Devilian players may have been excited to get their hands on the latest patch, 1.4 Alvir's Legacy, last week but had to wait due to a few delays.
Today we're kicking off BombLive a little early at 4:30 Eastern time.
Trion Worlds has announced the first big content update for their newest free-to-play MMO, Devilian.
Just because a game just released doesn't mean it can't jump on the holiday event bandwagon.
Players on Devilian’s Seadrift server logged in over the weekend to find that a server update had wiped their characters’ progress. After the server restart on December 12th, players on the server logged in to discover that...
Just in time for tomorrow’s Head Start kickoff, the Devilian team has announced server names.
Trion’s free-to-play action-RPG Devilian Online kicked off its Open Beta this week, and celebrated by releasing the first gameplay video for the Evoker -- commander of the elements. The open beta will run until 1 a.m.
Devilian’s Open Beta is right around the corner.
Devilian Online is just about here, officially, in the West.
After finishing up the most recent Closed Beta test, the Devilian team revealed that the feature most requested by players will be coming to the game.
After listening to player feedback, Trion has decided to add an all new early access pack option for those wanting to support Devilian.
Trion Worlds is bringing ARPG/MMO Devilian Online to the West and Closed Beta has kicked off.
Trion Worlds isn't wasting any time getting players into Devilian Online.
Ginno Games, the developer of Devilian Online, and HanGame, the publisher of said free to play MMO/ARPG in Korea, are cutting ties and this means that the Korean version of the game will become unavailable for an unknown perio...
Take your typical mage's burst damage capabilities, throw in the delicate nature of the squishy mage, and add in an hunter's penchant for ranged weapons and you get the Cannoneer class in Trion Worlds' upcoming Devilian Online...
If you're in the west you may not know a whole lot about Devilian Online.
Stop me if you've heard this before: Trion Worlds goes to Korea, finds a game it likes, and brings it back to North America. Right now, the "ArcheAge alerts" are probably going off in your head, and for good reason.