Latest On Devilian Online

BombPoll #4: Which F2P Game Isn't Long For This World?

Today is Halloween, so it's fitting that we should talk about death -- specifically, the death of free-to-play games. No, not F2P gaming as a whole, which we've covered before, but the death of individual games.

By Jason Winter -
Devilian Online Open Beta Has Begun

Trion’s free-to-play action-RPG Devilian Online kicked off its Open Beta this week, and celebrated by releasing the first gameplay video for the Evoker -- commander of the elements. The open beta will run until 1 a.m.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
New PvP Modes Coming to Devilian

After finishing up the most recent Closed Beta test, the Devilian team revealed that the feature most requested by players will be coming to the game.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Devilian Online Cannoneer Class Spotlight

Take your typical mage's burst damage capabilities, throw in the delicate nature of the squishy mage, and add in an hunter's penchant for ranged weapons and you get the Cannoneer class in Trion Worlds' upcoming Devilian Online...

By Michael Byrne -
