The layoffs are part of the studio's plans for Project GWENTfinity, which aims to allow fans to continue playing the card-battling game.
The layoffs are part of the studio's plans for Project GWENTfinity, which aims to allow fans to continue playing the card-battling game.
New cards and events are planned for 2023, but after that, it'll just be balance and season progression system changes.
Geralt and his friends head to the world of Arkesia.
The Witcher will arrive in Arkesia next year.
You'll follow the story of Geralt and Dandelion as they uncover a murder mystery.
Chronicles features 24 new cards.
Continue where you left off or finally experience what you missed.
Starring Season 1 Geralt and Season 2's Ciri cards for free.
The new GOG policy was announced earlier this month.
Includes unique artifacts, units, other tidbits!
A lot of ties are being cut
For those days when you’re feeling truly anti-social.
Earn all kinds of seasonal goodies in both games starting today.
Including Kin Radovid V.
The Saovine event is live as well.
Expansion pass still available, grants all expansion cards plus more.
Today, CD Projekt Red dropped the second part of the Price of Power expansion set, titled Thanedd Coup.
On August 3rd, the next expansion for CD Projekt Red's Witcher card game Gwent will add 26 new cards to the game.
A new Witcher game is coming this month.
Alright, so this is a bit of kinda-sorta, not-exactly free-to-play news.
The newest expansion for Gwent is now live -- or rather, the first of three parts of the expansion is live.
Gwent's first competitive season has come to an end and as of this past weekend, one player has been crowned the winner -- and walked away over $100,000 in prize money.
In just a little over two weeks, CD Projekt Red will release the first expansion in Gwent's, Price of Power set.
It's time for another season of Gwent's three-month long progression system, Journey.
For a limited time, CD Projekt Red is holding a birthday party for Yennefer and Ciri in Gwent.
I'm not sure how big of a group this would be, but if you're one of those people who have been waiting specifically to play GWENT specifically on a macOS device with an M1 processor, your wait is over.
CD Projekt Red has some Valentine's Day goodies for Gwent players -- though, of course, you're going to have to work for them, by playing the game. The Love Special Event begins today, tasking players with collecting chocol...
The fourth competitive season of CD Projekt Red's Witcher-based card game, Gwent, is ready to go.
It's time to celebrate the holidays in Gwent.
As promised, CD Projekt Red dropped Gwent's Way of the Witcher expansion today.