The state of Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2025
The state of Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2025
Armstrong would like some more time to play with puppies and snuggle their hubby.
They may not become your new "main" MMO game, but each of these titles should be tried at least once before they disappear.
Log in to get your Midwinter gifts.
Maybe the switch to Broadsword will be ok after all.
Downtime is estimated at 5 hours due to the team releasing inactive names.
Stop the Pictish raider, marauders, and beastmasters from claiming Breifine.
I mean...who plays SWTOR for the stories, right? (/sigh)
The New Legacy shard launches today.
The final stress test begins today.
A new month equals two events coming back to the MMO.
It’s taken a while, but it’s finally happening.
Still no official launch date at the moment.
It's more of a recap than anything else.
We even saw a tiny peek at Update 7.5!
The wait begins to see just how much "new" will come to SWTOR with their new developer.
SWTOR has lasted a lot longer than many other games.
There's a lot going on in update 7.4
It's all coming "Soon".
"If open-world is the enemy of storytelling, multiplayer is the arch-villain"
Leviathan will be the first server to be migrated.
Broadsword will be taking in “most” of the current SWTOR team.
They just added a little fuel to the fire…and the fire to the fuel.
The game’s two-dozen year mark is celebrated with its 111th patch.
If there's an article about inventory space in an MMO, you can bet that Magicman will assign it to me.
If you're ever in doubt that Ultima Online has been around a really, REALLY long time, just remember that its 100th update will be going live in the near future.
Over 20 years -- or 7,498 days -- since its initial launch on Sept.
Ultima Online may be one of the longest running games to add a free-to-play mode designed to entice new players and lure back lapsed ones.